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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2011 Issue 3
Effect of Rigid Boundary on Propagation of Torsional Surface Waves in Porous Elastic Layer
s gu pu ta ;a ka tuo pa de ya ;d k ma li ; wu cheng ping
Numerical Method for Optimum Motion of Undulatory Swimming Plate in Fluid Flow
QIAN Qin-jian;SUN De-jun
Scattering of SH-Waves on the Isosceles Triangular Hill Joined by Semi-Cylindrical Canyon
HAN Feng;WANG Guang-zheng;KANG Chao-yang
Buckling of Embedded Microtubules in Elastic Medium
Muhammad Taj;ZHANG Jun-qian
Stability Analysis of Radial Inflation of Incompressible Composite Rubber Tubes
YUAN Xue-gang;ZHANG Wen-zheng;ZHANG Hong-wu;ZHU Zheng-you
Large Scall High Performance Computation on 3D Explosion and Shock Problems
FEI Guang-lei;MA Tian-bao;HAO Li
Chebyshev Finite Spectral Method With Extended Moving Grids
ZHAN Jie-min;LI Yok-sheung;DONG Zhi
Shock Calculation Based on Second Viscosity Using Localized Differential Quadrature Method
ZHAO Yong;ZONG Zhi;LI Zhang-run
Bifurcation of Rupturing Path by the Nonlinear Damping Force
a a yi na er ; lin chuan qing ;s y fei sa er ; huang ya yi
xin xi dong tai