3D finite element modeling and analysis of the whole cervical spine based on Simpleware
HU Xiao-hui;HONG Xiang;HE Bing-fan;Fritz-Uwe Niethard;YAN Wen-tao;ZHANG Jian;Spinal Surgery Center;Henan International Central Hospital;Chinese PLA 113 Hospital;Institute of Forensic Science;the People’s Procuratorate of Zhejiang;Institute of Forensic Science;the People’s Procuratorate of Ningbo;German Association of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery;Shanghai Gai Tech Scientific Instruments Co.;Ltd;
Testing of drilling feed force on fresh porcine femur
LI Chang-shu;BAI Yu-zhe;KONG Xiang-xue;CHEN Lan;LI Jian-yi;DU Zhi-jiang;XIE Le;TANG Lei;Department of Anatomy;Southern Medical University;Department of Joint Bone;Shenzhen Pingle Orthopedics Hospital;The Studio of Zhong Shizhen;Beijiao Hospital;Southern Medical University;Robotics Institute;Harbin Institute of Technology;National Digital Manufacturing Technology Center;Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Technical advances in space cell bioreactor
SHANGGUAN Bing;SUN Shu-jin;GAO Yu-xin;HOU Wen-sheng;LONG Mian;Bioengineering College of Chongqing University;Key Laboratory of Microgravity;Center of Biomechanics and Bioengineering;Institute of Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;