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Journal of Medical Biomechanics
2010 Issue S1
sheng wu li xue zai yi liao qi xie she ji he tiao san zhuo lu fang hu zhong de ying yong
fan zuo bo ;';'15254502;';'au';'cjfq');
sheng wu li xue zai yi liao qi xie she ji he tiao san zhuo lu fang hu zhong de ying yong
fan zuo bo ;';'15254502;';'au';'cjfq');
microthrombosis induced by mechanical factors and light-dye treatment
Qin Liu;Min Zeng;Bingmei M Fu
sheng wu li xue zai ruan zu zhi xiu fu zhong de ying yong
yang li ;';'10099364;';'au';'cjfq');
in vivo and in silico biodynamic studies of cruciate ligament injuries
Xudong Zhang1.2;Scott Tashman1.2;Christopher Harner1;Kang Li1
construction of microenvironmental biointerfaces
Kaiyong Cai;Yan Hu;Zhong Luo
ultrasound mechanotransduction on osteoblastic mineralization and mitigating bone loss
YiXian Qin;Sardar Uddin;Shu Zhang;Suzanne Ferreri;Jacky Cheng
p- xuan ze su lectin jie gou yu bian gou de mo ni yu ce
lv shou qin ; long mian ;';'09653073;09607986;';'au';'cjfq');
calcium signaling in osteocyte network
X.Lucas Lu1;Bo Huo2;Andrew D.Baik1;Victor Chiang1;X.Edward Guo1
mitral valve mechanics and function
Zhaoming He
gai huo hua de sheng wu li xue yan jiu
tan wen chang ;';'06262193;';'au';'cjfq');
mechanical instability of veins under internal pressure
Avione Northcutt1;Rick Martinez1;Hai-Chao Han1;2
li xue ci ji cu jin gu sui duo neng jian chong zhi ji zhi xi bao xiang ren dai xi bao ruan gu xi bao he xin ji yang xi bao fen hua chu tan
li liang ; liu xiao zuo ; liu xiao zuo ; wu jiang ; chen huai qing ;';'09789071;24739164;08733129;09796748;08719586;';'au';'cjfq');
nanofibrous scaffolds for the regeneration of nervous tissue
Aijun Wang;Yiqian Zhu;Song Li
nanofibrous scaffolds for the regeneration of nervous tissue
Aijun Wang;Yiqian Zhu;Song Li
mechanical instability of veins under internal pressure
Avione Northcutt1;Rick Martinez1;Hai-Chao Han1;2
gai huo hua de sheng wu li xue yan jiu
tan wen chang ;';'06262193;';'au';'cjfq');
mitral valve mechanics and function
Zhaoming He
li xue ci ji cu jin gu sui duo neng jian chong zhi ji zhi xi bao xiang ren dai xi bao ruan gu xi bao he xin ji yang xi bao fen hua chu tan
li liang ; liu xiao zuo ; liu xiao zuo ; wu jiang ; chen huai qing ;';'09789071;24739164;08733129;09796748;08719586;';'au';'cjfq');
calcium signaling in osteocyte network
X.Lucas Lu1;Bo Huo2;Andrew D.Baik1;Victor Chiang1;X.Edward Guo1
p- xuan ze su lectin jie gou yu bian gou de mo ni yu ce
lv shou qin ; long mian ;';'09653073;09607986;';'au';'cjfq');
ultrasound mechanotransduction on osteoblastic mineralization and mitigating bone loss
YiXian Qin;Sardar Uddin;Shu Zhang;Suzanne Ferreri;Jacky Cheng
construction of microenvironmental biointerfaces
Kaiyong Cai;Yan Hu;Zhong Luo
in vivo and in silico biodynamic studies of cruciate ligament injuries
Xudong Zhang1.2;Scott Tashman1.2;Christopher Harner1;Kang Li1
sheng wu li xue zai ruan zu zhi xiu fu zhong de ying yong
yang li ;';'10099364;';'au';'cjfq');
microthrombosis induced by mechanical factors and light-dye treatment
Qin Liu;Min Zeng;Bingmei M Fu
wo guo sheng wu li xue yan jiu fa zhan san shi nian
jiang zong lai ;';'08520166;';'au';'cjfq');
p38 map kinase is necessary for melanoma-mediated regulation of ve-cadherin disassembly
Payal Khanna1;Avery August2;Cheng Dong1
mechanics of mechanosensitivity of cell
Baohua Ji
cell adhesion mediated by _2 integrin-icam-1 interactions
Changliang Fu;Dongying Zhan;Chunfang Tong;Manliu Wang;Shouqin Lü;Yan Zhang;Mian Long
cell adhesion mediated by _2 integrin-icam-1 interactions
Changliang Fu;Dongying Zhan;Chunfang Tong;Manliu Wang;Shouqin Lü;Yan Zhang;Mian Long
wo guo sheng wu li xue yan jiu fa zhan san shi nian
jiang zong lai ;';'08520166;';'au';'cjfq');
p38 map kinase is necessary for melanoma-mediated regulation of ve-cadherin disassembly
Payal Khanna1;Avery August2;Cheng Dong1
mechanics of mechanosensitivity of cell
Baohua Ji