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Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
2010 Issue 5
Plant transpiration in a maize/soybean intercropping system measured with heat balance method
GAO Yang;DUAN Ai-wang;QIU Xin-qiang;ZHANG Jun-peng;SUN Jing-sheng;WANG He-zhou .
Dynamic changes of forest landscape pattern in Lushuihe Forest Bureau of Changbai Mountains,Northeast China
ZHAO Fu-qiang;DAI Li-min;YU Da-pao;ZHOU Li .
Effects of precipitation intensity on soil organic carbon fractions and their distribution under subtropical forests of South China
CHEN Xiao-mei1;2;LIU Ju-xiu2;DENG Qi1;2;CHU Guo-wei1;ZHOU Guo-yi1;ZHANG De-qiang1 .
Reform of collective forest property in Liaoning Province:A discussion
TAI Shan-shan1;2;HU Yuan-man1;ZHANG Hong-sheng3;HAN Yu-ku3;Xiao Ze-chen1;2 .
Isolation,identification,and degrading characteristics of a high-efficient pyrene-degrading bacterial strain
ZHONG Ming;ZHANG Jia-qing;WU Xiao-xia;YANG Feng;MA Hui;CHEN Li-jing .
Spatiotemporal dynamics of vegetation cover based on trajectory change detection:A case study in Dapeng Peninsula of Shenzhen
LIANG Yao-qin1;2;XIE Fang-yi3;LI Jing3;LI Gui-cai1;ZENG Hui1;4 .
Estimation of topographical factors in revised universal soil loss model based on maximum upstream flow path
LUO Hong1;2;MA You-xin1;LIU Wen-jun1;LI Hong-mei1 .
Effects of low nitrogen stress on source-sink characters and grain-filling traits of different genotypes summer maize
LU Hai-dong;XUE Ji-quan;MA Guo-sheng;ZHANG Ren-he;ZHANG Xing-hua .
Effects of several ecological factors on the hatching of Sepiella maindroni wild and cultured eggs
JIANG Xia-min;LU Zhu-run;HE Hai-jun;YE Pei-lei;YING Zhen;WANG Chun-lin .
Critical tidal level for Kandelia candel forestation in strong tidal range area
QIU Jian-biao1;HUANG Li1;2;CHEN Shao-bo1;CHI Wei1;DING Wen-yong1;ZHOU Chao-sheng1;ZHENG Chun-fang1;WANG Wen-qing2 .
Soil respiration of degraded Korean pine forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountains
LIANG Yu1;2;3;XU Jia-wei1;HU Yuan-man2;CHANG Yu2;BU Ren-cang2 .
Effects of CO2 storage flux on carbon budget of forest ecosystem
ZHANG Mi1;2;WEN Xue-fa1;YU Gui-rui1;ZHANG Lei-ming1;FU Yu-ling1;SUN Xiao-min1;HAN Shi-jie3 .
Extraction of buildings three-dimensional information from high-resolution satellite imagery based on Barista software
ZHANG Pei-feng1;2;HU Yuan-man1;HE Hong-shi1;3 .
Sustainability of crop yields in China under long-term fertilization and different ecological conditions
LI Zhong-fang1;2;XU Ming-gang1;ZHANG Hui-min1;ZHANG Shu-xiang1;ZHANG Wen-j1 .
Effects of sewage sludge vermicompost on the growth of marigold
MA Li1;2;YIN Xiu-qin1 .
Effects of different pruning modes on the light distribution characters and fruit yield and quality in densely planted ’Red Fuji’ apple orchard
SONG Kai1;WEI Qin-ping2;YUE Yu-ling3;WANG Xiao-wei2;ZHANG Ji-xiang1 .
Application of niche theory in evaluation of main tourism scenic areas in Zhangjiajie City
XIANG Yan-ping1;3;XIANG Chang-guo2;CHEN You-lian3 .
Interactive effects of P deficiency and Al toxicity on soybean growth:A pot experiment with acid soil
CHEN Na;WANG Xiu-rong;YAN Xiao-long;LIAO Hong .
Effects of transgenic Bt crops on non-target soil animals
YUAN Yi-yang;GE Feng .
Responses of soil properties to ecosystem degradation in Karst region of northwest Guangxi,China
WEI Ya-wei1;2;3;SU Yi-rong1;3;CHEN Xiang-bi1;2;3;HE Xun-yang1;3 .
Impact of atmospheric total suspended particulate pollution on photosynthetic parameters of street mango trees in Xiamen City
YU Yu-xian1;2;CHEN Jin-sheng1;REN Yin1;LI Fang-yi1;2;CUI Sheng-hui1 .
Markov process of vegetation cover change in arid area of Northwest China based on FVC index
WANG Zhi;CHANG Shun-li;SHI Qing-dong;MA Ke;LIANG Feng-chao .
Effects of exogenous melatonin on active oxygen metabolism of cucumber seedlings under high temperature stress
XU Xiang-dong;SUN Yan;SUN Bo;ZHANG Jian;GUO Xiao-qin .
Effects of grain size change on landscape pattern indices of Hefei City
XU Li1;BIAN Xiao-qing2;QIN Xiao-lin2;ZHANG Qing-guo1;LIU Lin1 .
Effect zone of forest road on plant species diversity in Great Hing’an Mountians
LI Yue-hui1;HU Yuan-man1;CHANG Yu1;LI Xiu-zhen1;BU Ren-cang1;HU Chang-he2;WANG Chun-lin3 .
Macropore characteristics and its relationships with the preferential flow in broadleaved forest soils of Simian Mountains
WANG Wei1;ZHANG Hong-jiang1;CHENG Jin-hua1;WU Yu-he1;DU Shi-cai2;WANG Ran1 .
Seasonal variations of wild apricot seed dispersal and hoarding by rodents in rehabilitated land
MA Qing-liang1;ZHAO Xue-feng1;SUN Ming-yang1;LU Ji-qi1;KONG Mao-cai2 .
Climatic risk zoning for banana and litchi’s chilling injury in South China
LI Na;HUO Zhi-guo;HE Nan;XIAO Jing-jing;WEN Quan-pei .
Long-term effects of Dendrolimus superans Bulter disturbance on forest landscape in Huzhong Forest Bureau of Great Xing’an Mountains:A simulation study
CHEN Hong-wei1;2 ;HU Yuan-man1;CHANG Yu1;BU Ren-cang1;HE Hong-shi1;LIU Miao1;LIU Zhi-hua1;2;HAN Wenquan3 .
Application of regression tree in analyzing the effects of climate factors on NDVI in loess hilly area of Shaanxi Province
LIU Yang1;2;L Yi-he2;ZHENG Hai-feng2;3;CHEN Li-ding2 .
Assessment of freshwater ecosystem services in Beijing based on demand and supply
LI Fen1;2;SUN Ran-hao1;YANG Li-rong1;2;CHEN Li-ding1 .
Dynamic characteristics of forest landscape in Chengdu City in last 20 years
GU Lin1;LIU Bo2;GONG Gu-tang1;CHEN Jun-hua1;ZHU Zhi-fang1;ZHANG Hai-ou1;MU Chang-long1 .
Grain effect of landscape pattern indices in a gully catchment of Loess Plateau,China
QIU Yang1;YANG Lei2;WANG Jun3;ZHANG Ying1;MENG Qing-hua4;ZHANG Xiao-guang5 .
Comparison of the methods for extracting and purifying microbial total DNA from an aeolian sandy soil
XU Xiao-jiao;CAO Cheng-you;CUI Zhen-bo;YANG Min .
Influence of light and temperature factors on biomass accumulation of winter wheat in field
MA Peng-li1;2;PU Jin-yong3;ZHAO Chun-yu4;WANG Wei-tai5 .
Dynamic changes of landscape pattern and eco-disturbance degree in Shuangtai estuary wetland of Liaoning Province,China
CHEN Ai-lian1;ZHU Bo-qin2;CHEN Li-ding1;WU Yan-hua2;SUN Ran-hao1 .
Responses of ecosystem service values to landscape pattern change in typical Karst area of northwest Guangxi,China
ZHANG Ming-yang1;3;WANG Ke-lin1;3;LIU Hui-yu2;CHEN Hong-song1;3;ZHANG Chun-hua1;3;YUE Yue-min1;3 .