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Linguistic Sciences
2014 Issue 4
On the Multi-Agreement Rule between Personal Suffixes,Subject and Force in Modern Uyghur
Litip Tohti;The Department of Uyghur Language and Literature;Minzu University of China;
On Chinese Perfective Marker le:A Syntactic Analysis Based on Minimalist Program
Wang Chen;Liu Wei;School of Languages and Com munication Studies;Beijing Jiaotong University;
A Study on the Semantic Environment of the bu+M+bu Structure
Niu Bin;Guo Jimao;School of Literature;Nankai University;College of Chinese Language and Culture;Nankai University;
The Degrammaticalization of jiujing from an Interrogative Mood Adverb to a Noun
Zhang Xiusong;Chinese Language and Literature School;Jiangsu Normal University;
Analysis on the Subjectivity of the Sentence Structure nali shi A,jianzhi shi B
Tang Xianqing;Luo Zhubin;Liberal Arts College;Hunan Normal University;Department of Chinese;Hunan University of Humanities;Science and Technology;
Identification versus Possession:Kinship Possessive Structure of the Guanzhong Dialect in Shaanxi Province
Tang Zhengda;Institute of Linguistics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
On the Demonstrative Pronoun lain Lingkou Variety of Danyang Dialect
Zhou Guojuan;Literature Department;Soochow University;
The Phonological System of Xiru Ermuzi Is Not Based on Nanjing Dialect
Zeng Xiaoyu;The School of Literature;Nankai University;
Tonal Characteristics and Phonological Property of a Transitional Dialect Reflected in Xiangyin Shiyi
Zhu Lei;College of Arts;Anhui Normal University;
Five Research Cases on Character Correction in Huilin Yinyi
Sun Jianwei;International School of Chinese Studies;Shanxi Normal University;
shou jie shi jie yu yan da hui zong shu
zhang qiang ;
ying guo di wu jie ren zhi yu yan xue da hui zong shu
xu yi zhong ;