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English Cool Kids
2007 Issue 9
liu yan ban
si ge tian di
tmnt ren zhe shen gui
qq tang
da an
My Postcard
kan yi kan , xie yi xie , du yi du , shuo yi shuo
liu shi yi
you jiang jing cai
Having Dinner
A Duck,A Bird and Two Wolves
liao shao hua
The Hen and the Golden Eggs
cai zuo
qiang dong fan de po zhan
zuo ming
jing mei xiao li he
yi ke
xiao jing ling
qq tang
The Adventure in the Fairy Tale Kingdom
da tou cai gong zuo shi ; chen xue jun
A Perfect Son
tan jun yong
The Thinker
zuo ming
Kate's Age
zuo ming
Who Is More Clever?
zuo ming
Why Does Linda Cough?
tan jun yong
Hot Potato
yan zhe
shu jia de hui yi
xing cai
mo fa ri li 9 yue
huan le xue tang
yuan zhi
mo li ying yu ti ( )
le wei guo
Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star
shen ying