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Journal of Medical Imaging
2007 Issue 3
CT diagonosis on the primary lymphoma of palatine tonsil
HUANG Yong-chu;WANG Lin;YANC Zi-jang
CT appearances in the thoracic sarcoidosis
WANG Hong;PENG Wei-bin;LIU Rong;YAN Jin-gang;WANG Dong-qing;YIN Rui-gen;ZHAO Liang
Comparative analysis about the diagnosis value of SCT and MRI on acute pancreatitis
LI Quan;LU Guang-Hua;Xu Lin;ZHANG Dong-ying
Clinical application value of helical CT three-phases enhanced images in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma
NIU Yu-ying;WANG Dong;HU Hong-qun;CHEN Jun;XU Jia-xing
Spiral CT in diagnosis of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
YAN Xue-qian;SUI Ru-xin;LI Shu-chang
A comparative analysis between ultrasonic characteristics of breast phyllodes tumor and its pathology
CAO Jun-ying;JIANG Su-qi;WANG Zhan-jiang;WU Hong-li;CAI Hui-hong;HUANG Fu-gui
CT diagnosis of gallstone ileus
ZHANG Wei-fei;WANG Zheng-wu
Barium enema findings of colorectal metastases from gastric cancer
LIU Lin-xiang;DENG Bing-xing;ZHANG Mei;LIU Yu-jin;IINUMA Gen;MORIYAMA Noriyuki
Micro-invasive therapy complicating renal hemorrhag treated by intravascular embolisms
GUO Lian-sheng;WANG Jiang-tao;ZHANG Guo-dong;LIU Zuo-qin
Clinical nursing on patients received interventional percutaneous vertebroplasty
DING Rui;WANG Xin-zhi;XUE Yan;YANG Xian-cun
Instruction and clinical application of PACS
CAO Gui-jing;LI Gui-hua;CAO Yun-xi
Imaging diagnosis of colonic lipoma(analysis of 9 cases)
yang qi gen ; yu fang rong ; fang chun
CT findings of xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (report of 6 cases)
huang zuo zuo ; yu fang rong ; mao zhi hao ; hua xiao ; mao qi hua ; hu ji bo
Understanding of perioperative nursing care of renipuncture guided by ultrasound
wang xi ning ; wang xiao yan ; liu ying
The nursing of interventional therapy of arteriosclerotic obliteration
zhang lei ; xin shao wei ; sun dao yu ; ma xue ping
Leiomyoma of urinary bladder by ultrasonography: a case report
zhang hong ; kang hui zuo
Ovarian teratoma: a case report
qi hong bo ; wang feng fu
Abdominal cavity free pseudofibroma calcification(report of a case)
yuan qing long ; wang zhen zheng ; qing jun ; zhao mei chen
A case of multiple hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia
jiang yun song ; liu dao zhu ; xie min ; xiao xi ying
The exploration of the examination methods and the application value of multislice helical CT in breast
WANG Feng-fu;QI Hong-bo;XU Qi-huai;XU Xiao-jian
Liver volume measurement using MDCT and different methods comparison
PAN Ke-hua;ZHENG Xiang-wu;DONG Li-qing;WU En-fu
Exploration of the pathological basis of non-enhanced small HCC on multiphase spiral CT scanning
HU Jin-wen;ZHANG De-jun;WANG En-yu;QIAO Hong-bo;ZHANG Xue-hui
CT findings of atypical pulmonary metastases
WANG Hai-yan;ZHANG Zheng-fu;WANG Zhao-bo
Research study on relationship between intrapulmonary shunting and portal hypertension in patients of end-stage liver diseases
ZHAO Xiao-yue;ZHOU Xue-jun;QUAN Tai-dong;ZENG Guo-bing;YU Zhou-yao;CHEN Shi-hong;WU Lie
The clinical signifcance of the cavity of septum pellucidum in fetus in third trimester pregnancy and neonate by US monitoring
ZHAO Ya-pmg;XU Chong-yong;HUANG Pin-tong;HUANC Fu-gwmg;PAN Yen;ZHU Shi-chai;ZOU Chun-peng
Primary clear cell carcinoma of the lung: imaging findings and pathology
PENG Ze-hua;PU Hong;Bai-lin;FU Kai;ZHAO Shi-yi;DONG Dan-dan
Exploration of the diagnostic study value of high frequency ultrasonography in breast cancer and breast fibroadenoma
XIN Yan;SHA Dong-ji;QIU Zhu-qiang;YONG Qin;ZHANG Yong-yao
Prenatal and postnatal observation of 163 fetal pyelectasis by ultrasound
GU Yan;HU Ya-li;WU Xing;RU Tong;DAI Chen-yan;YANG Yan;YANG Li-juan
Application value of multi-slice CT imaging post-processing techniques to tracheobronchial foreign body in children
XU Chong-yong;ZHAO Ya-ping;LI Chang-chong;CHENG Jian-min;YU Zhi-kang;YAN Zhi-han;CAI Xiao-hong;HUANG Lei
The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: comparison of multi-slice and single-slice spiral CT
SONG Yun-long;ZHANG Wan-shi;SHI Hui-ping;BI Yong-min;LU Xiao-yan;WANG Dong
Application of CT-guided interstitial 125 I seeds implanted in spinal tumour metastases
LI Zhen-jia;SUN Chuan lin;WANG Xi-ming;WU Le-bin
MRI diagnostic value of carcinoma of urinary bladder
MO you-fa;GAO Dai-ping;ZAHGN Li-juan;LI Xiang-liang;DEGN Hui-yi;LIU Guan-lan;LIU Jing-wen
MR imaging analysis of pituitary macro-adenoma
LIU Xiu-hua
MR imaging of central pontine myelinolysis (report of 4 cases)
WANG Chang-yuan;WANG Zhi-qun;QIN Jian;WANG Jing;SUN Chang-yi
Application of diffusion tensor imaging in ischaemic stroke affecting the motor system
WANG Hai-yan;ZHAO Bin;YU Tai-fei;LI Hui-hua;YU Fu-hua