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Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences
2004 Issue 3
The First Research one-Instruction of Biology
dai jia peng ; huang jun qin
Five Transformations for Chemistry Classroom Teaching Evaluation Under New Curriculum
lan jue ming ; wang cong xuan
Define the Aim of Training Regu1 ate Management of Teaching
song zhong rong ; gao zhi qiang
The Advances of Study on Obesity Pathogen and Medication Therapy
zhou wei ping ; su quan sheng ; xiong ruo hong
Function and Construction of Enterprise's Sincerity
liu li na
Integration of the Network and TV Media
zhong zuo xin
On the Arrangement Principle of Web Page Design
deng yong
On Computer Viruses and Its' Defence
xu guo feng
Intelligent Decision Support System Based on Data Warehouse
tan li wei ; hong sha
Study of the Main Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
li rui
Analysis and Calculation of Starting for Induction Motor
wu sheng chun
Ultra- wideband Communication Technology
he qing qiang