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Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2000 Issue 2
bian wei hui cheng yuan jian jie ( er )
The Polypeptide Analysis and the Relationship between It and the Stabil ity of the "Promoting Cellular Metabolic Agent Injection"(PCMA)
Yu Hongru;Xiao Jianying;Liu Yongzhang;Zhang Jingguo;Zhan XiangYou;Pan Yang
Studies on the Black Pigments for Its Ability to Scavenge Active Oxy gen Radical and Antioxidative Actions
Xiao Xiang;Lu Gang;Zhang Jie;Yu Lijun;Zhang Erxian
Detection of Residual Cell DNA from Products of Recombnant E.coli L-Asparaginase Ⅱ
Wu Jing;Fang Dexing;Wu Wutong;Liu Jingjing
Enzymatic Synthesis of 5-Fluorouridine with Enterobacter Aero-genes
Lei Ting;Zhou Changlin;Dou Jie;Wu Wutong
Studies on the Catalytic Characters of Lipase from Pencillium ex-pansum
Zheng Yi;Gong Fusheng;Shi Qiaoqin;Wu Songgang
Immobilization of Lipase in Water-in-Oil Microemulsion with Gelatin
Huang Xirong;Li Yuezhong;Jiang Xingtao;Han Xuekun;Zhang Wenjuan;Qu Yinbo
Expression of AdvIL-2 in Human Tumor Cell Line in Vitro
Wei Haiyan;Zheng Changwen;Tong Jin;Peng Xudong
Construction of Low-Specificity L-Threonine Aldolase Genetic En-gineered Strain
Wei Pinghe;Wu Tao;Wu Wutong;Yu Ji
Protective Effect of CPU-HAP-140 Against Acute Liver Failure in Mice
Guo Yu;Sheng Qi;Wu Wutong
Isolation,Purification and Partial Sequencing of A Lysozyme-Like Substance Derived from Sinica Cetorhinos Maximus Cartilage and Its Anti-tumor Activity in vivo
Chen Jianhe;Jiao Binghua;Miao Weimin;Wang Lianghua;Feng Yu;Zhu Yuping;Lou Yonghua;Miao Huinan
Metabolic Engineering-The Third Genetic Engineering
Sun Liping;Wu Haizhen;Zhang Huizhan
Trends in Drugs by Biotechnology in the 21st Century
Wu Wutong;Wang Youtong;Wu Wenjun