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2005 Issue 5
Nobel Reward Requires Freedom
LI Guang-li;DUAN Xing-min
A Review of Intermittent Demand Forecasting Methods
YANG Jie;ZHANG Bin;HUA Zhong-sheng
Research on Effects of Choosing Scale on Group Decision Making
WANG Xue-jun;GUO Ya-jun
A Research on Trust Risk System of Electronic Commerce
WEI Ming-xia
The Correlation Analysis and Model of E-cash and Monetary Aggregate
HUANG Xiao-yan;HU Xiang-pei;ZHANG Xiao-wei
The Contribution of the FDI to the Beijing's Employment
XIE Guang-ya;CHEN Chun-xia
An Integrated Study Frame of Some Project Risk Issues
ZHANG Ya-li;YANG Nai-ding;YANG Zhao-jun
Study on Conflict in Group Decision Making Process
LANG Chun-gang;XI You-min;BI Peng-cheng