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Acta Petrologica Sinica
2011 Issue 10
The newest monitoring information of Changbaishan volcano,NE China
LIU GuoMing1;SUN HongYan2 and GUO Feng1 1. Monitoring Station of the Tianchi volcano observatory;Jilin Earthquake Administration;Antu 133613;China 2. Liaoning Earthquake Administration;Shenyang 110000;China
Application of energy-constrained assimilation-fractional crystallization(EC-AFC) model for ultramafic magmatic systems:A case study of the Limahe intrusion associated with Cu-Ni sulfide ores,Sichuan Province
LI YongSheng and ZHANG ZhaoChong** State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Isopach maps of the Qixia and Maokou formations:Implication for mantle plume model of the Emeishan large igneous province
LI HongBo1;2;ZHANG ZhaoChong1**;Lv LinSu1;2;WANG YunFeng1;KOU CaiHua1;LI YongSheng1 and LIAO BaoLi1 1.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2.Geological Museum of China;Beijing 100034;China
Comparison of host magmatic sulphide and oxide deposits of mafic-ultramafic intrusions and review the mineralizing process
JIANG ChangYi1;2;XIA ZhaoDe1;LING JinLan1;XIA MingZhe1;2;LU RongHui1 and GUO FangFang1 1. College of Earth Science and Recourses;Chang’an University;Xi’an 710054;China 2. Key Laboratory of Western China’s Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering;Ministry of Education;Xi’an 710054;China
The analysis of temperature conditions for eclogites in the northeastern part of North Dabie Terrane
SHI YongHong1;KANG Tao1;LI QiuLi2 and LIN Wei2** 1. School of Resources and Environment Enineering;Hefei University of Technology;Hefei 230009;China 2. State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Deep fluids and magmatism:The deep processes beneath the Tengchong volcano group
LUO ZhaoHua1;LIU JiaQi2;ZHAO CiPing3;GUO ZhengFu2;CHENG LiLu1;LI XiaoHui2 and LI DaPeng1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China 2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China 3. Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province;Kunming 650224;China
SHRIMP U-Pb dating,geochemistry and tectonic implications of the Beiqigetao gabbros in Urad Zhongqi area,Inner Mongolia
ZHAO Lei1;2;WU TaiRan1** and LUO HongLing3 1. Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution;MOE;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 2. Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China 3. College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering;China University of Mining and Technongy;Beijing 100083;China
U-Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions of zircons of Taihua Group in Xiaoqinling area,Shaanxi Province
SHI Yu1;YU JinHai1;2**;XU XiSheng1;TANG HongFeng3;QIU JianSheng1 and CHEN LiHui1 1. State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China 2. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3. Laboratory for Study of the Earth’s Interior and Geofluids;Institute of Geochemistry;CAS;Guiyang 550002;China
Geochronology and geochemistry of the Cida complex in the Panxi district:Constraints on the duration of the Emeishan mantle plume
LUO WenJuan;ZHANG ZhaoChong**;HOU Tong and WANG Meng State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Zircon U-Pb dating and study on geochemistry of volcanic rocks in Manitu Formation from southern Manchuria,Inner Mongolia
SUN DeYou1;GOU Jun1;REN YunSheng1;FU ChangLiang2;WANG Xi3 and LIU XiaoMing4 1. College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;Changchun 130061;China 2. China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources;Beijing 100083;China 3. Applied Technic College;Jilin University;Changchun 130022;China 4. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics;Northwest University;Xi’an 710069;China
A study on volcanic minerals and hosted melt inclusions in newly-erupted Tengchong volcanic rocks,Yunnan Province
LI Ni and ZHANG LiuYi Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100029;China
Discuss on the origin of Xilin Hill fault at the eastside of Guang-Cong fault,Pearl River Delta
WANG Ping1;GUO LiangTian2;DONG HaoGang3;SHENG Qiang2;OUYANG LiSheng2 and YIN Hang1;4 1. Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics;Beijing 100029;China 2. Guangdong Seismological Bureau;Guangzhou 510070;China 3. China Geological Survey Wuhan Geological Survey Center;Wuhan 430205;China 4. China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Studies on Quaternary volcanism stages of Halaha river and Chaoer river area in the Great Xing’an Range:Evidence from K-Ar dating and volcanic geology features
FAN QiCheng;ZHAO YongWei;LI DaMing;WU Ying;SUI JianLi and ZHENG DeWen Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100029;China
Zircon U-Pb age,origin and its tectonic significances of Huitongshan Devonian K-feldspar granites from Beishan orogen,NW China
LI Shan;WANG Tao**;TONG Ying;WANG YanBin;HONG DaWei and OUYANG ZhiXia Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Characteristics of lithospheric mantle beneath the Great Xing’an Range:Evidence from spinel peridotite xenoliths in the Halaha river and Chaoer river area
ZHAO YongWei and FAN QiCheng Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100029;China
Geochronology and geochemistry of the Kekesai intrusion in western Tianshan,NW China and its geological implications
ZHU MingTian1;WU Guang2;3**;XIE HongJing4;LIU Jun2 and ZHANG LianChang1 1. Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China 2. Institute of Mineral Resources;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China 3. Lingbao Jinyuan Mining Limited Liability Company;Henan Province;Lingbao 472500;China 4. Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510640;China
Discussion on genesis of pyroxenite and granulite xenoliths from Hannuoba
DU XingXing and FAN QiCheng Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100029;China
The distribution and activity of Cenozoic magma chamber in Tengchong volcano area deduced from the MODIS multi-temporal monthly night LST data
LI Hui1;2;PENG SongBai1;2;QIAO WeiTao1;LIN MuSen1;WANG ZhenSheng3 and TIAN LiQiao4** 1. Earth Science Faulty;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 2. Three Gorges Research Center for Geohazards;Ministry of Education;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 3. Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China 4. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;Wuhan 430079;China
Petrogenesis of Xiaohaizi syenite complex from Bachu area,Tarim
WEI Xun1;2 and XU YiGang1** 1. State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510640;China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
A Link of measurements of lava flows to Palaeoelevation estimations and its application in Tengchong volcanic eruptive field in Yunnan Province(SW China)
GUO ZhengFu;ZHANG MaoLiang;CHENG ZhiHui;LIU JiaQi;ZHANG LiHong and LI XiaoHui Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Uranium-thorium isotope disequilibrium in young volcanic rocks from China
ZOU HaiBo1 and FAN QiCheng2 1. Department of Geology and Geography;Auburn University;Auburn;AL 36849;USA 2. Institute of Geology;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100029;China
Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the quartz syenite porphyry from Tongchang porphyry Cu(Mo-Au) deposit in Jinping County,Yunan Province
XU LeiLuo1;2;BI XianWu1**;SU WenChao1;QI YouQiang1;LI Liang1;CHEN YouWei1;2;DONG ShaoHua1;2 and TANG YongYong1;2 1. State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guiyang 550002;China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
yan shi xue bao tou gao xu zhi
Geochemistry and sedimentary background of the Middle-Upper Permian cherts in the Penglaitan section,Laibin,Guangxi Province
QIU Zhen1;2;WANG QingChen1 and YAN DeTian3 1. State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China 3. Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources of Ministry of Education;University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Re-Os isotopic dating of chalcopyrite from the Abalieke copper-lead deposits in West Kunlun,China
ZHANG ZhengWei1;QI Liang1;SHEN NengPing1;YOU FuHua1;2;ZHANG ZhongShan1;2 and ZHOU LingJie1;2 1. State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guiyang 550002;China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
A preliminary study on the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the northern part of the western North China Craton
WANG YaMei1;2;William L GRIFFIN2;3 and HAN BaoFu1** 1. Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution;MOE;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 2. GEMOC ARC National Key Centre;Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences;Macquarie University;NSW 2109;Australia 3. CSIRO Exploration and Mining;North Ryde;NSW 2113;Australia
Greenhouse gases flux estimation of hot springs in Changbaishan volcanic field,NE China
ZHANG MaoLiang1;GUO ZhengFu1**;CHENG ZhiHui1;ZHANG LiHong1;GUO WenFeng1;YANG CanYao2;FU QingZhou2 and WEN XinYi2 1. Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China 2. Department of Geosciences;Taiwan University;Taipei;China
Re-Os isotopes of Dali picrite(Yunnan):New constraints on the formation of Emeishan Large Igneous Province
HAO YanLi1;HUANG QiShuai2;ZHANG XiaoRan2 and SHI RenDeng2 1.Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing;100037;China 2.Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing;100085;China