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Acta Petrologica Sinica
2010 Issue 7
Genetic mineralogy and metamorphic evolution of mafic high-pressure (HP) granulites from the Shandong Peninsula,China
LIU PingHua;LIU FuLai;WANG Fang and LIU JianHui Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Geological events of Early Precambrian complex in North Chaoyang area,Liaoning Province
LIU ShuWen;WANG Wei;BAI Xiang;ZHANG Fan and YANG PengTao Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution;MOE;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Late Neoarchean to Early Paleoproterozoic magmatic events and tectonothermal systems in the North China Craton
GENG YuanSheng;SHEN QiHan and REN LiuDong Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Geochemistry and implication of the Linzizong volcanic succession in Cuomai area,central-western Gangdese,Tibet
YU Feng1;LI ZhiGuo2;ZHAO ZhiDan1;XIE GuoGang3;DONG GuoChen1;ZHOU Su1;ZHU DiCheng1 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. China National Gold Group Corporation;Beijing 100011;China3. The Bureau of Exploration & Development of Geology and Mineral Resources of Jiangxi Province;Nanchang 330002;China
Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic geochemistry of Jiangba,Bangba,and Xiongba granitoids in western Gangdese,Tibet
JIANG Xin1;2;ZHAO ZhiDan2;ZHU DiCheng2;ZHANG FengQin2;DONG GuoChen2;MO XuanXue2 and GUO TieYing2 1.School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China2.State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Forming process of the high pressure metamorphic belt in central Qiangtang,Tibet
DONG YongSheng;LI Cai;SHI JianRong;ZHANG XiuZheng and WANG ShengYun College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;Changchun 130061;China
Provenance and age of gneisses in the Dulan area,North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt:Evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology,REE and Hf isotopic analyses
YU ShengYao and ZHANG JianXin Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Two contrasting HP/LT and UHP metamorphic belts:Constraint on Early Paleozoic orogeny in Qilian-Altun orogen
ZHANG JianXin;MENG FanCong and YU ShengYao Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Proterozoic microspar and constraint of sedimentary environment in China
LIU YongQing1;KUANG HongWei1;2;PENG Nan3;LIU YanXue1;JIANG XiaoJun1 and XU Huan1 1. Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China2. Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources;Ministry of Education;School of Geophysics and Oil Resources of YangtzeUniversity;Jingzhou 434023;China3. China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China
Validation on age of Neoproterozoic intrusions from northeastern margin of Indochina block,western Yunnan and its tectonic implication:Evidence from zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and geochemistry
QI XueXiang1;WANG XiuHua2;ZHU LuHua1;3;HU ZhaoChu3 and LI ZhiQun41. Key Laboratory for Continental Dynamics of the Ministry of Land and Resources;Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing100037;China2. Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;Chinese University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China4. Yunnan Bureau of Nonferrous Geology;Kunming 650051;China
Devonian magmatism from the southern Lhasa terrane,Tibetan Plateau
DONG Xin1;ZHANG ZeMing1;GENG GuanSheng1;LIU Feng2;WANG Wei2 and YU Fei2 1.Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China2.Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China
Late Cretaceous adakites in the eastern segment of the Gangdese Belt,southern Tibet:Products of Neo-Tethyan ridge subduction?
GUAN Qi1;2;ZHU DiCheng1;ZHAO ZhiDan1;ZHANG LiangLiang1;LIU Min1;LI XiaoWei1;3;YU Feng1 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;and School of Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. College of Resources;Shijiazhuang University of Economics;Shijiazhuang 050031;China3. School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
The disintegration of Kuanping Group in North Qinling orogenic belts and Neo-proterozoic N-MORB
DIWU ChunRong;SUN Yong;LIU Liang;ZHANG ChengLi and WANG HongLiang State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics;Department of Geology;Northwestern University;Xi’an 710069;China
Geochronological study on the Heilongjiang complex at Luobei area,Heilongjiang Province
LI XuPing1;KONG FanMei1;ZHENG QingDao2;DONG Xiao3 and YANG ZhenYi1 1. College of Geological Science & Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Qingdao 266510;China2. Heilongjian Institute of Geological Survey;Haerbin 150036;China3. College of Earth Sciences;Guilin University of Technology;Guilin 541004;China
Study on barite as an accessory mineral in eclogite from main borehole core of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling(CCSD)
YANG Hong1;ZHANG LiFei1 and LIU FuLai2 1.Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution;MOE;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China2.Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Helanshan high pressure pelitic granulite:Petrologic evidence for collision event in the western block of the North China Craton
ZHOU XiWen1;ZHAO GuoChun2 and GENG YuanSheng1 1. Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China2. Department of Earth Sciences;University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
Metamorphic evolution of Early Precambrian khondalite series in North Shandong Province
WANG Fang;LIU FuLai;LIU PingHua and LIU JianHui Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China
Zircon U-Pb dating on tuff bed from Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Yanqing,Beijing:Further constraints on the new subdivision of the Mesoproterozoic stratigraphy in the northern North China Craton
LI HuaiKun1;ZHU ShiXing1;XIANG ZhenQun1;SU WenBo2;LU SongNian1;ZHOU HongYing1;GENG JianZhen1;LI Sheng1 and YANG FengJie3 1. Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources;Tianjin 300170;China2. School of Geosciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China3. College of Geological Science and Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Qingdao 266510;China
Metamorphism,migmatization and granites of the Mashan Complex in Heilongjiang Province,Northeast China
REN LiuDong1;WANG YanBin1;YANG ChongHui1;HAN Juan1;XIE HangQiang1 and LI LinShan2 1. Institute of Geology;CAGS;Beijing 100037;China2. The Sixth Geologic Survey of Heilongjiang Province;Jiamusi 154002;China
The westward extension of Comei fragmented large igneous province in southern Tibet and its implications
QIU BiBo1;ZHU DiCheng1;ZHAO ZhiDan1 and WANG LiQuan2 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;and School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources;Chengdu 610082;China
Geochronology,geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Bamco andesites from the northern Gangdese,Tibet
CHEN Yue1;ZHU DiCheng1;ZHAO ZhiDan1;ZHANG LiangLiang1;LIU Min1;YU Feng1;GUAN Qi1;2 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. College of Resources;Shijiazhuang University of Economics;Shijiazhuang 050031;China
Petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous adakite-like rocks in Mamba from the eastern Gangdese,Tibet
MENG FanYi1;ZHAO ZhiDan1;ZHU DiCheng1;ZHANG LiangLiang1;GUAN Qi1;2;LIU Min1;YU Feng1 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. College of Resources;Shijiazhuang University of Economics;Shijiazhuang 050031;China
Identification and significance of high-pressure granulite in Anduo area,Tibetan Plateau
ZHANG XiuZheng1;DONG YongSheng1;XIE ChaoMing1 and XIE YaoWu2 1.College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;Changchun 130061;China2.Regional Geological Survey Party;Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development;Doilungdegen 851400;China