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Nonferrous Metals Design
2007 Issue 1
Fixed Assets Depreciation in New Accounting Standard
YANG Cheng-zhong
Waste Water Treatment Technology Used in Artificial Wetland
XIE Ming-jun;LUO Zhuo-ying;LUO Shao-shan
Water System Design of A Medical Building
LU Lei;LUO Zuo-ying;ZHAO Meng
Characteristics and Measures Adopted in the Design of Sulphuric Acid Tank
XU Ping;ZHANG Hui-juan
Study on Comprehensive Recovery Process for Cassiterite Polymetal Sulfide Ore
ZHANG Jie;DENG Chuan-hong;LU Xue-cun
Heat Balance of Pressure Leaching for Zine Sulphide Concentrate
XIE Ke-qiang;YANG Xian-wan;WANG Ji-kun
Discussion of Problems in Portal Rigid Frame Design
ZHAO Ren-fang
Talk about the Importance and Practicability of Aseismic Conceptual Design
ZHENG Yi;SHI Xin-zhu
New Concept on Site Selection for Large Aluminum Electrolytic Plant
LI Jing-ying;TANG Xiong-jun
Realization of Dynamic Encryption-Decryption for Data Files
CUI Guang-xian
Discussion on AES Encryption by VB
Matters to Be Considered in Pressure Container Manufacture
ZHANG Hui-juan;NA jie