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Dyeing and Finishing
2016 Issue 2
Preparation and application of nano-ZnO/TiO2 composite system
ZHU Tang-long;WANG Li-ming;SHEN Yong;WANG Ping;SHEN Yang-yang;Shanghai University of Engineering Science;
Preparation of FeVO4 doped cotton fabric and its photocatalytic degradation property
YU You-ping;LIU Bao-jiang;HE Jin-xin;College of Chemistry;Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology;Donghua University;National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles;Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology;Ministry of Education;
Application of starch-grafted acrylamide to wastewater treatment
LIU Jun-hai;LI Zhi-zhou;WANG Jun-hong;ZHENG Nan;College of Chemistry & Environmental Science of Shaanxi University of Technology;
Photocatalytic degradation of ternary composite material PW12/PANI/SnO2
MA Rong-hua;LI Li;College of Chemistry and Engineering;Qiqihar University;
Shortened pretreatment of cotton fabric with compound enzyme
YI Bing;CHEN Zhen;WANG Nan-fang;HU Can-hui;Key Laboratory of Ecological Textile Materials & Novel Dyeing and Finishing Technology;Hunan Provincial Education Department;School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering;Hunan Institute of Engineering;Guangdong Dymatic Chemicals Co.;Ltd.;
Dyeing promoter TANEDE EXA for nylon dyeing
ZHOU Qiang;ZHAO Xia-xia;ZHOU Jie;Shenghong Group Co.;Ltd.;
Performance of YILON fiber in sodium hydroxide solution
LIANG Bi-chao;HAN Chun-yan;JI Xuan;WEI Qing;ZHAO Jiong-xin;WANG Jian-qing;National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles;Donghua University;Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Co.;Ltd.;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Donghua University;
Softening agent Tran Soft 4917
HAN Li-ying;MAO Wei-min;LI Tian-dong;LAI Yu-bing;ZHANG Jian-yong;Transfar Group Co.;Ltd.;
Energy efficient gas infrared pre-dryer
TAN Yong-gui;Jiangdu Dyeing Machinery Co.;Ltd.;
Determination of trixylyl phosphates in textiles by GC-MS method
ZHU Feng;National Textile and Garment Quality Supervision Testing Center;Fujian Key Laboratory of Textiles Inspection Technology;
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chen ying ;
xing ye dong tai
ji shu kai fa
hai wai chuan zhen
na xie zhi jie ran liao xu yao te shu ran se fa da yang ?
cui hao ran ;
ran yuan jing cui