Anti-crease finish of cotton fabric with acrylamide-based crosslinking agent
WANG Hong-chen;DONG Xia;YAO Jin-long;HE Jin-xin;TANG Wen-jun;XIANG Zhong-lin;College of Chemistry;Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology;Donghua University;Key Laboratory of Ecological Dyeing Technology;Jiangsu Lianfa Textile Co.;Ltd.;Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology;Ministry of Education;
Pigment printing of cotton towel with waterborne polyurethane
WANG Nan-fang;TIAN Bin;JIAN Yu-lin;YI Bing;CHEN Jian-jun;School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering;Hunan Institute of Engineering;Key Laboratory of Ecological Textile Materials & Novel Dyeing and Finishing Technology;Hunan Provincial Education Department;Yiyang Longyuan Textile Co.;Ltd.;