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Dyeing and Finishing
2014 Issue 23
Application of formaldehyde-free discharging agent to pigment printing
SHAN Jiang;ZHOU Lan;YU Xiao;SHAO Jian-zhong;Engineering Research Center for Eco-Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles;Ministry of Education;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technology;Ministry of Education;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;
Effects of auxiliaries on dyeing behaviors of reactive dyes in ethanol/water system
ZHOU Hao;YAO Jin-long;DONG Xia;HE Jin-xin;LIANG Bing-ying;TANG Wen-jun;College of Chemistry;Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology;The Key Lab of Textile Science & Technology;Ministry of Education;Lab of Ecological Dyeing Technology;
Antibacterial finish of cotton fabric with s-triazine-based N-halamine
JIANG Zhi-ming;REN Xue-hong;College of Textiles and Clothing;Key Laboratory of Eco-textiles;Ministry of Education;
Water repellency and flame retardancy of iodine butyl-N-sulfonate amino polysiloxane
ZHANG Feng-jun;DONG Chao-hong;LV Zhou;WANG Peng;WANG Shu-guang;Growing Base for State Key Laboratory of New Fiber Materials and Modern Textile;Qingdao University;College of Textile & Clothing;Jiangnan University;
Wet processing of lace fabric
XING Xing-quan;WANG Hua-qing;Ningbo Mengheng Thread Co.;Ltd.;Zhejiang Textile & Fashion Technology College;
Wet processing of Tencel A100/cotton mixture
LI Yu-hua;LI Chun-guang;ZHAO Hai-qing;Huafang Co.;Ltd.;
Pigmentation of cotton cheese with vat dye
JI Li;QIAN Xiao-hong;YAO Jin-long;Jiangsu College of Engineering and Technology;Jiangsu Lianfa Textile Co.;Ltd.;
Digital printing of nylon taffeta
SHANG Run-ling;Department of Chemical and Textile Engineering;Jiangyin Polytechnic College;
Application of deepening agent DICRYLAN SD to silk-like polyester printing
ZHANG Jian-guo;QIAN Qin-fang;BI Xiao-ping;Shenghong Group;
Proposals for updating ink-jet printing machine
QI Li-hua;GUO Wen-deng;Hangzhou Wensli Silk Science and Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Fire proofing and water repellent finish of polyester in one bath
CHEN Li-ying;LI Jin-hua;ZHANG Yue;Dandong Unik Textile Company Co.;Ltd.;
Comparison of standards for color fastness under certain pressure
WANG Jie;CNTAC Testing Services Co.;Ltd.;
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