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Dyeing and Finishing
2009 Issue 13
Mechanism of union dyeing of silk/nylon mixture with syntan
TANG Ren-cheng;YAO Fang;SUN Sha-sha
DP finish of silk fabric with the combination of citric acid and hydrolyzed starch
CHEN Mei-yun;YUAN De-hong;QIAN Cui
Preparation of Cu/Sn composite coatings with electric magnetic shielding
WEI Ning;SHEN Yong;ZHANG Hui-fang;WANG Wei
Reasons for hole formation in cotton peroxide bleaching and their preventions
LIU Wen-fu;XIE Xiao-juan;WU Xiu-hua
Preventions of color deviation of polyester warp-knitted dark raised fabric
SONG Guo-fang;HAN Wang-hua
Exhaust dyeing of cotton fabric with Fulairon WH reactive dyestuff
ZENG Lin-quan
Camouflage printing of modacrylic/cotton fabric
SHI Min-shan;LU Chang-mao;WANG Shan-guang;HE Ming;YANG Hong;HE Li-zhong
Printing process of super bright polyester blanket
WU Xin-zi;XIA Jian-ming
Manufacture of fusible bleached cotton interlinings
CAO Ping;YANG Jing-xin;YANG Lu-lu;ZHU Hong-yao;DING Su-yuan;ZHANG Hai-ming
MH698 type long-loop steamer
Comparisons of quantitative analysis for PLA/cotton blended fabric
FU Ke-jie;YANG Li-sheng;WENG Yi;BAO Dong-nv;FENG Yun
Application of microencapsulation technology to wet processing of non-wovens
NI Bing-xuan;JIAO Xiao-ning
ti sheng zhi wu biao mian zheng li shui ping
he ye li