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Dyeing and Finishing
2008 Issue 11
Abstracts of Dyeing and Finishing
Problems and Measures
Interlinking Important News
xian wei fang zhi pin he fu zhuang de ge xin
wang liang
New development of fixing agents for reactive dyestuffs
Rinsing and fixing treatments after reactive dyeing(I)
SONG Xin-yuan
Preparation and application of phosphorus-free complex dispersant
LIU Jian-ping;YUE Shi-fang;YUAN Hong-ping
Biosoftening process of moisture management denim
ZHANG Zeng-qiang;ZHU Jiang-bo
Application of oil-based defoamer to wax resist printing
Improving the perspiration-light stability of the cotton dyeings
CHEN Ying-hua;TANG Ren-cheng;ZHONG Ming-hui
Wet processing of moisture management polyester weft knitted fabric
LI Jun-xing;YAN Li-min;WANG Chao
Wet processing of Seacell(R)fabric
HAN Li;JIA Wen-qin;SUN Yong-xiang
Slack batching mercerization of cotton fabric
ZHANG Zi-zhong
Pretreatment of cotton knits for reactive printing
XU Shun-cheng
Effects of ultrasonic wave on dyeing behaviors of reactive dyestuffs for wool fabric
ZHAN Yi-zhen;WANG Xiao-fang;ZHAO Xue;WANG Wei
Salt free dyeing of HBP-HTC modified cotton fabric with reactive dyestuffs
ZHANG Feng;CHEN Yu-yue;ZHANG De-suo
Silver antibacterial cotton by in-situ method
WU Ya-rong;ZHOU Xiang;TU Tian-min;ZHAO Min