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Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
2015 Issue 11
Power quality disturbance detection based on matching pursuit sparse decomposition
Chen Lei;Zheng Dezhong;Zhao Xingtao;Liao Wenzhe;Li Zhanyou;Key Laboratory of Measurement Technology and Instrumentation of Hebei Province;Yanshan University;Northeast Petroleum University at Qinhuangdao;School of Control Science and Engineering;Hebei University of Technology;
Power quality disturbance analysis based on differential entropy and recurrence quantification analysis
Zhang Shuqing;Li Shasha;Zhang Liguo;Zhang Hangfei;Qiao Yongjing;Xu Jiantao;Institute of Electrical Engineering;Yanshan University;
Transient thermal analysis method of semiconductor based on exponential fitting
Yang Lianqiao;Chen Wei;Que Xiufu;Zhang Jianhua;The School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shanghai University;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of Advanced Display and System Applications;Shanghai University;the School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering and Automation;Shanghai University;
Silicon MEMS gyroscope bandwidth expanding based on bipole compensation technology
Cao Huiliang;Li Hongsheng;Shen Chong;Liu Jun;Yang Bo;Science and Technology on Electronic Test & Measurement Laboratory;North University of China;School of Instrument Science and Engineering;Southeast University;
Dynamic alignment method of the SINS system aided by the electro-optical detection system
Guo Qiang;Li Suilao;Wang Wei;Department of Automation Control;Northwestern Polytechnical University;School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Hand-eye calibration method fusing rotational and translational constraint information
Zhang Zhaorui;Zhang Xu;Zheng Zelong;Tu Dawei;School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation;Shanghai University;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics;State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration;
Research on mobile robot localization based on Gaussian moment improved SURF algorithm
Zhu Qiguang;Wang Jia;Zhang Pengzhen;Chen Ying;School of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;Key Laboratory for Special Fiber and Fiber Sensor of Hebei Province;Yanshan University;School of Electrical Engineering;Yanshan University;
Electromagnetic eddy current nondestructive testing method based on the phase trajectory of Bz(pmax)
Liu Shan;Zhang Ronghua;Zhang Mu;Wang Huaxiang;Li Jichen;Liu Gan;School of Electrical Engineering & Automation;Tianjin Polytechnic University;School of Electrical Engineering & Automation;Tianjin University;
Investigation on optimization of temperature measurement key points based on mutual information and improved fuzzy clustering analysis
Li Yan;Li Yinghao;Gao Feng;Meng Zhenhua;Key Laboratory of NC Machine Tools and Integrated Manufacturing Equipment of Xi’an University of Technology;Ministry of Education;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shaanxi University of Technology;
Research on improving the performance of liquid turbine flow sensor with flow field analysis
Guo Suna;Zhang Tao;Sun Lijun;Yang Wenliang;School of Electrical Engineering & Automation;Tianjin University;North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute;
Temperature control method for electromagnetic force balance sensor based on image pulse
Huang Qiang;Teng Zhaosheng;Tang Xiang;Lin Haijun;Liu Yakun;College of Electrical and Information Engineering;Hunan University;Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group Co.;Ltd.;College of Polytechnic;Hunan Normal University;
Improved cycle slip detection and repair method for GPS receiver based on Turbo Edit algorithm
Duan Rong;Zhao Xiubin;Pang Chunlei;Li Yuan;College of Information and Navigation;Air Force Engineering University;Unit 94153 of PLA;
Spatial filtering method for nanofluid velocity measurement based on the area CCD
Wang Wei;Lin Jiedong;Zhong Wanli;He Lucan;Xu Chuanlong;Ding Hui;Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co.;Ltd.;School of Energy and Environment;Southeast University;
Optimization of aluminum electrolysis production process based on crowding distance sorting
Yi Jun;Huang Di;Li Taifu;Zhou Wei;Yao Lizhong;College of Electronic & Information Engineering;Chongqing University of Science and Technology;College of Safety Engineering;Chongqing University of Science and technology;College of Automation;Chongqing University;
Combustion timing control of homogeneous charge compression ignition engine based on RBF-PID and black-box model
Zheng Taixiong;Pan Song;Li Yongfu;Yang Bin;Center for Automotive Electronics and Embedded System;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Multi-feature texture image segmentation based on tessellation technique
Zhao Quanhua;Gao Jun;Li Yu;Institute for Remote Sensing and Application;School of Geomatics;Liaoning Technical University;
Adaptive image quality assessment based on visual multi-channel gradient and low order moment
Feng Mingkun;Zhao Shengmei;Shi Xiang;Institute of Signal Processing and Transmission;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Information and Electronic Engineering;Zhejiang University of Science and Technology;
Research and implementation of robot tracking control system based on real time offset correction
Huang Gang;Department of Electronic Engineering;Taiyuan Institute of Technology;
Study on the dynamic error model and correction algorithm of time grating displacement sensor
Yang Jisen;Li Xiaoyu;Zhang Jing;Jiang Zhongwei;Engineering Research Center of Mechanical Testing Technology and Equipment;Ministry of Education;Chongqing University of Technology;
Design of the fractional order controller for correction projectiles based on the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
Bao Xue;Wang Dazhi;Yang Yongsheng;School of Information Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;School of Equipment Engineering;Shenyang Ligong University;Editorial Department of the Journal;Shenyang Jianzhu University;
Facial component code table based method for narrowing down a mugshot database
Li Weihong;Zhang Zhen;Gong Weiguo;Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology and System of Ministry of Education;College of Optoelectronic Engineering;Chongqing University;
Three-dimensional space self-deployment algorithm based on virtual force compensation
Tan Li;Wang Yunhui;Yang Minghua;Hu Jipeng;Yang Chaoyu;School of Computer and Information Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;The Second Artillery Equipment Academy;
Multi-position coordination algorithm for lung nodule detection based on the Gestalt theory
Qiu Shi;Wen Desheng;Feng Jun;Shang Qiongjun;Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Information Science and Technology Engineering;Northwestern University;Xi’an Institute of Applied Optics;
β-distribution uniform expression based photovoltaic modules reliability evaluation with degradation data distribution
Yu Rongbin;Liu Guixiong;Xu Huan;School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering;South China University of Technology;Guangdong Testing Institute of Product Quality Supervision;
Research on sensitive unit Barkhausen noise processing of residence times difference fluxgate
Pang Na;Cheng Defu;Wang Yanzhang;Wu Shujun;Qu Wenliang;College of Instrumentation & Electrical Engineering;Jilin University;College of Information Technology and Media;Beihua University;
Research on the distribution of energy density of modal identification of electromagnetic ultrasonic lamb wave propagation
Yang Lijian;Lv Ruihong;Liu Bin;Xing Yanhao;School of Information Science and Engineering;Shenyang University of Technology;
Parameters estimation of ultrasonic echo signal based on blind deconvolution and parameterized model
Nie Xin;Guo Zhifu;He Zhicheng;Cheng Aiguo;Ji Yanjun;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body;Hunan University;
Improved kernel Fisher method for material micro-defect recognition
Li Min;Song Yanan;Zhou Tong;Wang Shanchao;Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Shandong Power Equipment Company Limited;
Endpoint determination of the basic oxygen furnace based on flame dynamic deformation characteristics
Li Pengju;Liu Hui;Wang Bin;Wang Long;Xia Yidan;Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Multiple observation sets classification algorithm based on L1 Graph transfer learning unified model
Lu Huibin;Hu Zhengping;Gao Hongxiao;School of Information Science and Engineering;Yanshan University;