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Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
2014 Issue S2
Hydrodynamic coefficients estimation for UUV and ADRC to its diving control
Shi Xiaocheng;Zhao Junpeng;Zhou Jiajia;Liu Yibo;College of Automation;Harbin Engineering University;Science and Technology on Vehicle Underwater Laboratory;Harbin Engineering University;
KOA movement monitoring system based on Android system
Ye Bin;Li Yurong;Chen Jianguo;Wu Fuchun;Du Min;College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University;Fujian Key Lab of Medical Instrument and Pharmaceutical Technology;Fujian Provincial Hospital Rehabilitation Department;
An improved DV-distance algorithm based on particle swarm optimization
Diao Ling;Shi Weiren;Ran Qike;Luo Shaofu;Yin Aimin;Chongqing Aerospace Polytechnic Chongqing College;College of Automation;Chongqing University;
Grabcut combined particle filter algorithm for tracking target
Wang Jing;Song Ce;Yang Libao;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Design of the power transmission lines inspection robot based on the modular joint with 2 degrees of freedom
Chen Chao;Zheng Yanning;Jiang Peng;Wang Yuping;Zhou Qing;Xu Wenfu;State Grid CO. Electric Power Research Institute;Shenzhen Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology;College of automation;Chong Qing University;
Research of intelligent video surveillance in substation based on ViBe
Song Wei;Zhang Jiaqi;Zhang Wenjie;Wang Yuping;Zhou Qing;Shi Weiren;State Grid CO. Electric Power Research Institute;School of Automation;Chongqing University;
Improvement of modular joint for power transmission lines inspection robot
Song Wei;Jiang Peng;Zheng Yanning;Deng Bangfei;Zhang Wenjie;Xu Wenfu;State Grid CO. Electric Power Research Institute;Shenzhen Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology;College of automation;Chong Qing University;
Meter reading recognition method via the pointer region feature
Song Wei;Zhang Wenjie;Zhang Jiaqi;Wang Yuping;Zhou Qing;Shi Weiren;State Grid CO. Electric Power Research Institute;School of Automation;Chongqing University;
Review of RC thermal network building energy consumption forecasting model
Shi Xin;Zhang Qi;Zhao Ying;Yin Aimin;College of Automation;Chongqing University;
Diagnostic analysis of function fault of analog circuit in space electronic instrument
Hu Mei;Fan Min;Lai Jun;College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;College of physics and information science;Hunan Normal University;
A channel amplitude and phase correction method of digital beamforming system in space
Qiao Chunjie;Ma Lu;Huang Zhigang;National University of Defence Technology;61565 Troops;People’s Liberation Army;
An automatic dosing system of circulating cooling water quality of air-conditioning
Li Jianmin;Huang Jian;Zhang Jiaqi;Shi Weiren;School of Automation;Chongqing University;
Study on extended depth of fieldof microscopy using an improved stack foucuser
Zhang Guirong;Qu Yufu;School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronics Engineering;Beihang University;
A rapid acquisition method for DS/FH signal based on differential correlation
Guo Xiaoliang;Yang Jianwei;Yang Jun;Mechatronics and Automation School of National University of Defense Technology;
Inter-satellite link directivity algorithm research and performance validation
Teng Yunwanli;Wang Yueke;Chen Jianyun;Feng Xuzhe;Li Xianbin;School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;
Analysis of the satellite constellation communication link topology
Chen Jian yun;Wu Guangyao;Feng Xuzhe;Liu Yi;School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;Beijing Institude of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology;
The analysis and design of 17 broadcast parameters ephemeris for GNSS
Yang Yuting;Huang Wende;Yang Jun;College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;
Shaft orientation calibration method for single-axis rotation INS
Li You;Wang Xingshu;Huang Zongsheng;Zhan Dejun;National University of Defense Technology;
Design and implementation of three-line array stereometry cameraimage time synchronization system
Kong Dezhu;Chen Jiayu;Liu Jinguo;Li Guangze;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A piezoelectric pump drive circuit based of an integrated switching-type electroluminescent chip
Zhang Shumei;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
High-precision measurement system for micro-diameter based on structured-light vision technology
Liu Bin;Shen Kang;Wei Zhaochao;Jia Yanhui;Zhang Baofeng;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Control Theory & Applications in Complicated System;Tianjin University of Technology;School of Electrical Engineering;Tianjin University of Technology;
The 3CCD thermal design of aviation photoelectric equipment
Zhang Xueming;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Adaptive partial distortion search using histogram ordering model
Chen Yunshan;Su Wanxin;Liu Yusheng;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Equipment management of Nano-satellite
Yang Lei;Liu Pengfei;Zhao Yong;Song Xin;College of Aerospace Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Technology of error suppression caused by gravitational disturbance in high-precision inertial navigation system
Jiang Lei;Wang Yu;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;School of Mechanical Engineering;
Key techniques for the Rossini type gas calorimeter
Lv Danni;Zhang Hongjun;Han Weidong;College of Metrology & Measurement Engineering;China Jiliang University;
Numerical simulation of the rotary valve leak in a diaphragm gas meter
Shang Ronghui;Zhang Kai;Guo Gang;Zhang Hongjun;College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering;China Jiliang University;Zhejiang Gold card High-Tech Co.;Ltd.;
Numerical simulation and design of small diameter critical venturi nozzles with conical inlet
Qi Shanshan;Xu Zhipeng;Xie Dailiang;China Jiliang University;
Ultrasonic velocity measurement system using vernier caliper phase meter
Yang Yujie;Li Xia;Liu Tiejun;Wang Shuo;Xie Dailiang;College of Metrology & Measurment Engineering;China Jiliang University;Chongqing Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection;
Design and implementation of clean static electricity technology by the skill of X-ray control
Ren Yi;Zhang Wenli;The First Research Instituteof M.P.S China;
Study on in-situ digital close-range photogrammtry system for rapid surrounding rock deformation measurement in underground engineering
Hu Xiangchao;Wu Zutang;Zhu Baoliang;Zhao Jianwei;Lu Hui;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Research on calibration method for ultrasonic transcranial Doppler blood analyzer in medicine
Sun Rongrong;Sui Guoping;Lu Xun;Xiao Yao;Wang Pengde;Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology;
Improved LBP descriptor in pancreas endoscopic ultrasound image feature extraction
Chu Yining;Wang Yuanyuan;Zhu Jianwei;Wang Lei;Jin Zhendong;Department of Electronic Engineering;Fudan University;Keylaboratory of Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention of Shanghai;Gastroenterology Department of Changhai Hospital;
Ultrasound plane-wave compounding based on the generalized coherence factor
Zhao Jinxin;Wang Yuanyuan;Guo Wei;Yu Jinhua;Department of Electronic Engineering;Fudan University;
Classification of adrenal masses based on contrast-enhanced CT images
Tang San;Guo Yi;Wang Yuanyuan;Cao Wanli;Sun Fukang;Department of Electronic Engineering;Fudan University;Key laboratory of Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention of Shanghai;Department of Urology;Ruijin Hopital;Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine;
B/A imaging method based on adaptive gain compensation
Cai Xue;Li Xingsong;Yu Jinhua;Wang Yuanyuan;Department of Electronic Engineering;Fudan University;Key laboratory of Medical Imaging Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention of Shanghai;
Analysis of impact of environment on high frequency surface wave radar SNR
He Yanli;Lv Xueqin;Ao Zhenlang;Guangdong Atmospheric Sounding Technology Center;
Design of satellite mounting absolute optical encoder debugging system
Long Kehui;Li Guangze;Zuo Yang;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Fault diagnosis model based on multi-manifold learning and PSO-SVM for machinery
Wang Hongjun;Xu Xiaoli;Rosen B G;Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology;Beijing Information Science & Technology University;School of Mechanic and Electric Engineering;Beijing Information Science&Technology University;Halmstad University;
Research on motion compensation method based on neural network of radial basis function
Zuo Yunbo;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Research on leakage current test method
Li Dong;Wang Yanlin;Beijing Key Laboratory of Electromechanical System Measurement and Control;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Early faults prediction of running state of electromechanical systems and reconfigurable integration of series safety monitoring systems
Xu Xiaoli;Zuo Yunbo;Chen Tao;Liu Xiuli;Chen Shanpeng;Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology;Ministry of Education;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Faculty of Bioresources Mie University;
Structural recognition of ancient Chinese ideographic characters
Li Ning;Chen Dan;Computer School;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;