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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2013 Issue 2
Why always me? : Review on the Study of Workplace Victimization
LI Yong-xin;HUO Qi
Welfarism in the Philosophical Perspective
MAO Le-tang
Assessment of the Work-related Motivation of the New-generation Employees
FENG Jiang-ping;LI Yuan-yuan;CHEN Hong;ZHANG Yue
Implementation Effects and Future Prospect of Injunction
WANG Wei-cai
Candidates' Ability to Identify Criteria:A New Research Domain in Personnel Selection
TANG Chen-xiao;BIAN Ran;CHE Hong-sheng;LIN Pei-jian
xin xi dong tai
Differences and Relations between Cultural Ecology and Natural Ecology
YANG Zeng-hui;LI Yin-yan