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Journal of Yunnan University Nationalities(Natural Sciences Edition)
2012 Issue 2
A Comparison of the Volatile Components of the Bottom and the Stem Leaf of Eutrema wasabi Maxim
LU Li-he;TANG Dona-yan;YANG Shi-bo;WU Dao-chun;LIU Xiao-feng;ZHANG Xi-jing;HE Yan-ping;LI Cong
Flavonoids\' Mechanism of Scavenging Free Radicals and its Application as Natural Antioxidants
MENG Qing-hua;YU Xiao-xia;ZHANG Hai-feng;ZHANG Shao-liang
Construction and Implementation of Web Knowledge Tree
Strictly Prequasiinvex and Strictly Invariant Quasimonotonicity
WEN Qian-ying
Cointegration Analysis of Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate
Determination of Pb, Cr, Cu and Zn in Farmland Soil and Assessment of the Uncertainty of Analytical Results
YANG Xin-zhou;ZHANG Gong-xin;LI Xue-sen;MU Huai-xue;YAO Fu-quan;HU Qiu-fen
Parameter Estimation of Motion Blur Based on Cepstrum Analysis
GUO Hong-wei;ZHU Jia-xing;CUN Ning
Catalytic Synthesis of Ethyl Benzoate by Using Ti3AlC2 and Ti2AlC
WU Ming-zhu;GUO Jun-ming;LI Ying;WANG Rui
A Preliminary Study on the Refining of Cineole
ZHANG Guang-qiu;WANG Jiong;YUAN Yong-hua
An Algorithm for Mining Frequent Itemsets Based on Associated Matrix
Microwave- Assisted Extraction Techniques for the Total Alkaloid of Gelsemium Elegans Benth
CHEN Hao;MIN Yong;ZHAO Jing-feng;YANG Xiao-dong;WAN Wei-chao;ZHANG Ji-guang;TU Xue-fei;LI Liang
Evolutionary Game Analysis of Real Estate Transactions
WEI Jian-zhou;MA Guo-shun;LI Ya-hong
Linear Regression Fitting Based on Wave Packet Analysis
LIU Yun-fei;YANG Zhu-yuan;LEI Jing
A New Plant Antimicrobial Detergent and its Sterilization Effect
JIANG Gui-bo;WU Lian-bin;ZHENG Yuan-bin
A New Method for Measuring the Focal Length of the Lens Based on Planar Array CCD
WEI Li-na;GONG Ai-ling;YANG Yong