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Jorunal of Yunan University(Law Edition)

2009 Issue 6
Issues on the expanding tendency of the subjects of transformational robbery crime
chen he ping ; zuo yong tao
On the Gender Right of Self-determination
zhang fan
xing zheng bu tie de fa lv gui zhi chu tan
di xiu hong
Study On The Legal Patterns Of Timesharing
yang xue fei
Procuratorate operations on Reform of the evaluation mechanism
gong yong qiang ; zhang ya li ; jia yong qiang
Explore the Teaching Model of Legal English
niu xiao
zhong yao tong zhi
Intensive Analysis of French Lien System
chu qing ; tian rui hua
qi ye ji tuan nei bu bu gong ping guan lian jiao yi fa lv gui zhi si kao
wu feng ; zhang yong