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Torpedo Technology
2003 Issue 3
Actualization and Efficiency of Net Torpedo
li min yong ; jiang xing zhou
Ideas on Integrated Design of Rocket-Assisted Torpedo
xu xing qin
MK54 Program Status and Future Developing Plan
qian dong
A Study of Torpedo's Re-attacking Trajectory Countering False Targets
xie fei yue ; li ben chang
Application of Metal Rubber to Torpedoes Design
liu jin
Dynamic Model of Thruster for Torpedoes with Speed Control
gao jian ; yan wei sheng ; xu de min ; zhang fu bin
Framework of Key Technology Research of the Low Frequency Passive Homing System Based on Vector Sensor
yang bao min ; ji bang jie ; zuo xiao hui ; cheng xue feng
Experimental Computer Simulation of Supercavitating Undersea Vehicle
xiang qing zuo ; yang zuo ; yin shao ping ; wang zhi jie
Some Technical Matters in Size Target Discrimination
chen chun yu
Torpedo Weapon Against Hi-Tech Background
wu he sheng ; xu xing qin