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Journal of Yulin College
2012 Issue 2
Approaches to Obtain Open Access Resources
zhang jian e
yu hong hao bo shi
ji yu wen xian de yu wen zuo sheng ping kao
liu man ping
On the Teaching Reform of Physical Chemistry in Environmental Engineering
liu hui zuo ; wang jin zuo
Construction of Power Plant Safety Model
wang dong mei
ren jian hong jiao shou
Research Progress in the Technology of Coking Wastewater
cai yong kuan ; gao zuo zuo ; yang shi lei ; jia xiao ling ; zhang zhi fang
Teaching Reform on the Considering Engineering Material
cao jin ling
Course Construction as an Opportunity to Build Quality Major
jiang hong yun
Research of the Preparation and Clarification Technology for Red Jujube Vinegar
gao li guo ; zhang hui ; wan liang ; hao li qin
Research Development of SOD in Human Exercise Science
zuo qing wei
On the Reforms in the Teaching Theory Mechanics
luo ying
Research on the Mass Tennis Movement Development Present Situation in Yulin
song hong yi ; guo jian rong ; zuo qiang ; liu yong
On Modern Agriculture and Rural Economy in Northern Shaanxi
liang yan bing