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Chinese Journal of Medical Education
2013 Issue 2
Investigation of stolmatological clinical practice training in general clinic
CHEN Hui-min;JIANG Yong;LIU Hong-wei;GUO Chuan-bin
The discussion of the first-stage training program for the residents with master's degree in Jiangsu Province
ZHAO Pei;SHEN Li-zong;ZHU Bin-hai;YU Hai-ping;HONG Xin-jian;QUAN Yu-ping;WANG Hong
Investigation on writing problem-based learning teaching cases in pediatrics
JIANG Chun-ming;WANG Zhu-ying
The clinical teaching of automatic analyzer
HU Jun-ting
Primary application of multi-model teaching in pharmaceutical analysis course
SHI Yu-jie;HAN Nan-yin;LIU Ping;FU Ge;CHEN Xin;HE Xi-hui
Practical research of revised anchored instruction in clinical practice teaching of psychiatric nursing
GAN Zhao-yu;WANG Ji-hui;ZHONG Zhi-yong;CHENG Min-feng;ZHANG Jin-bei
Consideration of strengthening the humanistic quality education of medical students
SUN Peng;CHEN Jun-guo;LIU Guo-xiang;HUANG Ji-dong;BAI Yang;HU Wei-jun
Measures and efficacy in practice of the " Doctors of Excellency " program in SYSU
WANG Shu-zhen;XIAO Hai-peng;WANG Ting-huai;ZHOU Hui-ming;WANG Lian-tang
Application of individualized feedback teaching method in teaching of surgery pandect
guo peng ; jiang ke wei ; li jian feng ; gao jie ; huang xiao bo ; zhou qing huan ; zhang si qin ; jiang guan chao ; wang shan
Comparison and analysis of orthopaedic doctor training in Singapore and China
BAI Yu-shu;LU Kai-yang;SHEN Hong-xing;ZHAO Zhi-qing;JING Zai-ping;LI Ming
Student-oriented education in the teaching practice of nutrition and food hygiene
XU Ya-jun;HAO Wei-dong
An investigation on humanistic quality education of the students on the program of pharmacy in Anhui Medical University
YANG Ya-ru;GAO Guo-peng;LIU Li-ping;ZHANG Xiu-jun;LU Xiong-wen;LI Jun;SUN Ye-huan
The application of diverseness teaching method in pharmacological teaching
QIN Da-lian;YE Yun;XIONG Yu-xia;LIU Ying-cai;HUANG Xin-wu;LI Hua
The primary exploration of teaching model in general dentistry continuing education
YONG Wei;WANG Lin;KONG Yu;JIAO Yan-tao;ZHAO Xiao-yi;PAN Jie
The overall design and practice of bilingual teaching of pathology
CHEN li;WANG Gui-lan;CAO Xiao-lei;JI Ju-ling
Dissertation at medical information quality education and modeling
WANG Jian-hua;WANG Shu-hua;YANG Hong-shan
Constructing formative assessment system and promoting the quality of clinical medical teaching
ZHU Jun-yong;DONG Wei-guo;WANG Yan-xia;ZOU Li-ping;YANG Jin;YU Bao-ping
About employment oriented medical students quality education evaluation
SHAO Li-jun;FU Yu-rong;CUI Qun;YI Zheng-jun;WANG Fei;LI Meng
A survey of resident training in Peking University Health Science Center
YANG Ying;ZHENG Li-yun
The application of toothguide training box using in dental color choice training
SHI Xiao-rui;LI Yi;LIU Feng
The role of portfolio in medical students' reflective learning
LIU Le-le;YANG Li-bin;PIAO Jie;YANG Lin-li;CAO De-pin
The revision of surgery textbook in the perspective of evidence-based medicine
DENG Zhou-ming;CAI Lin;WU Bin;HU Chao;YU Jun-chao
Application of TBL teaching model in the probation teaching of department of respiratory medicine
LUO Yi-feng;ZHOU Yan-bin;ZOU Wai-yi;GAO Xiang;MAO Hai-ping;CAO Xiao-pei;Wang Xing
Practice and exploration of new cardiopulmonary resuscitation training model
SI Rui;SONG Ai-xia;WANG Hai-chang;YANG Gui-tao
Application and analysis of examination system based on browser/server model in formative assessment of physiology
LI Li;NIAN Hong;ZHANG Xu-dong;LIU Gui-lian;SUN Wei;JIN Xiu-dong
Promoting the optimization and practice of clinical medicine professional talent cultivation system to meet local health care demand
WEN Ge-bo;ZHANG Xin-hua;JIANC Zhi-sheng;TANG Zhi-han;TIAN-Ying;WU Yi-mou
Exploration and application of cultivation model for postgraduates of clinical medicine specialty degree
TANG Zhi-wei;LI WEI;DUAN Li-ping;HOU Hui;WANG Qing;NIE Ke-zhen
The students' evaluation and analysis on the double/minor degree programs in Peking University Health Science Center
CHEN Juan;SONG Ya-ran;LI Yun-fei;SUN Ao-yi;YU Zhi-ping
Problem and countermeasures of clinical thinking training for anesthesia resident
LIANG Han-sheng;JU Hui;FENG Yi
The drop-out analysis of medical school students
YU Chen;ZHOU Yu-fei