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Journal of Astronautics
2016 Issue 11
xin xi dong tai
Development and Prospect of GNSS Autonomous Navigation Based on Inter-Satellite Link
WANG Dong-xia;,XIN Jie;,XUE Feng;,GUO Rui;,XIE Jin-shi;,CHEN Jin-ping;
A Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Propagation Method for Spacecraft Trajectory Uncertainty
SUN Zhen-jiang;,LUO Ya-zhong;,ZHANG Jin;,TANG Guo-jin;
Almanac Designing with Second Class of Nonsingular Orbital Elements for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
chang zhi qiao ;, hu xiao gong ;, du lan ;, guo zuo ;, he feng ;, li xiao jie ;, wang zuo ;, dong en qiang ;
Pulsar Based Time Relative Navigation Method Using Phase Difference Measurement
SONG Jia-ning;,XU Guo-dong;,LI Peng-fei;
Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter-Based Angles-Only Relative Navigation Using Camera Offset
YOU Yue;,WANG Hua;,LI Jiu-ren;
Analytical Solution Method for Orbit Rendezvous, Hovering and Fly-Around Control
TAN Tian-le;,WU Hai-lei;
Finite-Time Sliding Mode Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous with Collision Avoidance
FENG Li-cheng;,BAI Yu-zhu;,CHEN Xiao-qian;
Long-Term Distance-Keeping for Satellite Cluster System in Leader-Follower Form
CHEN Ying;,HE Zhen;,LI Shun-li;
Wheel Trace Imprint Image Frequency Domain Analysis and Rover Wheel Slip Ratio Estimation
LI Nan;,GAO Hai-bo;,LV Feng-tian;,DING Liang;,LIU Zhen;,YU Hai-tao;,DENG Zong-quan;
Numerical Simulation of the Acoustic Oscillation Characteristics of an Air Heater
YUAN Lei;,SHEN Chi-bing;
Method of Predicting Conduction-Radiation Coupled Heat-Transfer Characteristics for Vehicle Structural Component
ZHU Yan-dan;,LIU Wei;,ZENG Lei;,ZHANG Hao-yuan;,GUI Ye-wei;,DU Yan-xia;
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm of Spacecraft Thermal Balance Test Temperature Prediction
ZHU Xi;,GUO Gan;,LIU Shao-ran;,LIU Bo;,WANG Jing;
Numerical Simulation of Plasma Sheath for a Hypersonic Lifting Body Vehicle
JI Jun-jun;,TIAN Zheng-yu;,CHAI Jin-lei;,LI Hua;
Analysis of Spacecraft VHF/UHF Shielding Effectiveness Based on Equivalent Admittance Model
ZHANG Yu-ting;,LI Ran;,GAO Wen-jun;,LV Zheng;,ZHANG Hua;
Influence of Plasma Contactor on Charging and Discharging of Space Station
XIA Qi-meng;,XIE Kan;,WU Zhi-wen;,LIU Xiang-yang;,WANG Ning-fei;