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Journal of Astronautic Metrology and Measurement
2007 Issue 5
EMC Testing Performance Analysis for Quiet Zone in Semi-anechoic Chamber
CHEN Wen-qing;SU Dong-lin;CAI De-rong;LI Jian-tao
Metrology and Calibration of GPS Based Frequency Standard
MENG Qing-jie;XU Jian-fen;JIANG Xue-song
Digital Implementation and Analysis of A High Dynamic Frequency Tracking Loop
ZHANG Wen-tao;DONG Sheng-bo;CHANG Xiao-lan;ZHANG Xiao-feng
The Calibration for Risetime and Frequency Response of 70 GHz Sampling Oscilloscope
MA Hong-mei;DENG Ming-ren;SU Shui-jin;WANG Gong-sen
Precise Time and Frequency Fate of National Defence
Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology & Measurement
The Rapid Developement of Radio Metrology
Beijing Institute of Radio Metrology & Measurement
Beam Quality Measurement for High-energy Lasers
YANG Hong-ru;WU LEI;SHI Ji-fang;WANG Xue-xin;LI Gao-ping;JI XIAO
A Downsized Microwave Cavity for the Rubidium Vapor Cell Frequency Standard
Research on Electromagnetic Scattering of Absorber Affected by the Parameter of Dielectric
PAN Shun-kang;LV Shan-wei;ZHOU QIN;FENG Ke-ming
Research on De-noising Technology for Transient Strain Measurement
HUANG Hai-ying;LI Qi-sheng;HE Rong-jian
Design Principle of Standard System for Low DC Magnetic Field
WANG Xiao-feng;HAN Xiao-dong;YANG Jing-xuan