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Journal of Astronautic Metrology and Measurement
2000 Issue 6
2000 nian zong mu ci
A New design of ADS System on an airplane
sun zuo ; li yong ; liu zuo zhe
A new method measuring aeroengine T*4 temperature
su san mai ; guo wei min
zhen dong xiao zhun xian zhuang ji fa zhan zong shu
yang xiao wei
Application study of field measurement profile error of any line in numeral control processing
sun bao shou ; huang zuo diao ; wu yu guo
Study on standardless-calibration of precision measurement system for capacitance transducers
fu jing ye ; zhao yu chun ; li yue ping ; zuo ming ; zheng yi zhong ; ye sheng hua
Spectrum analysis of the horizontal angle - measurement errors of theodolite
zhang zhi li ; huang xian xiang ; li yi gong ; xia jun
Influece of range rate measurement on the trajectory position accuracy
zhu ju bo ; ye zheng mao