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Journal of Remote Sensing
2011 Issue 3
Spatio-Temporal outliers detection within the space-time framework
LIU Qiliang;DENG Min;WANG Jiaqiu;PENG Siling;MEI Xiaoming;ZHAO Ling
Mathematic descriptors for identifying plant species: A case study on urban landscape vegetation
ZHOU Jianhua;ZHOU Yifan;MU Wangshu
The CA model based on data assimilation
ZHANG Yihan;LI Xia;LIU Xiaoping;QIAO Jigang
Land cover classification using LiDAR height texture and ANNs
QIAO Jigang;LIU Xiaoping;ZHANG Yihan
Spatial-temporal land use change and landscape response in Bohai Sea coastal zone area
ZUO Lijun;XU Jinyong;ZHANG Zengxiang;WEN Qingke;LIU Bin;ZHAO Xiaoli;YI Ling
Optimal spatial scale choosing for high resolution imagery based on texture frequency analysis
CHEN Jie;DENG Min;XIAO Pengfeng;YANG Minhua;MEI Xiaoming;LIU Huimin
The availability of CBERS-02B multi-spectral data in estimating urban impervious surface
CHEN Feng;QIU Quanyi;GUO Qinghai;TANG Lina
The least square surface matching method for airborne LiDAR strip adjustment
WANG Liying;LIU Zhengjun
Intelligent remote sensing satellite system
Assessment of MODIS BRDF shape indicators
JIAO Ziti;LI Xiaowen;WANG Jindi;ZHANG Hu