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Distance Education Journal
2008 Issue 2
google, bu neng cheng shou zhi zhong !
guan zhong ke
shang pin quan qiu hua yu chuang gan shi dai
li jia hou
Analysis and Application of Educational Games Design Theory
Tao Yi;Yun Ruwei
The Network courses' Evaluation Based on AHP
Zhao Liming;Qi Lezhen
The Exploration of the Ways to Improve the Information Quality of the Students in Open Education
Shi Weiliang;Zhang Jianmin;Zhao Fenlian
Exploration of Web-based Formative Assessment
Chen Jun;Zhang Guangcan
Web Learning Assessment Based on Knowledge Management
Qi Liliang
Reflection,Exploration and Break on Distance Open Experiment Instruction
Yin Xuesong;Chen Xiaodong;Zheng Wei;Gong Xiangguo
The Four-Component Instructional Design Model:Multimedia Principles in Environments for Complex Learning
Jeroen J.G.van Merri(e)nboer;Liesbeth Kester;Sheng Qunli;Xu Rui
A Review of Web Information Seeking Research:Considerations of Method and Foci of Interest
Konstantina Martzoukou;Yang Yuqin