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Distance Education Journal
2003 Issue 1
ti yan
xin shu
sheng yin
hai wai chuan mei su lan
Digital Opportunity and Digital Barrier
dan cong kai
Application Pushes the Technology Innovation
zou jing ping
The Process of the Establishment of School Lan
cao shi hua
The Application of XML in The Web-Based Education
kong wei hong ; wang yu fei
Educational Use of Networked Multimedia Databases
ren you qun
So Much Information, So Little Time. Evaluating Web Resources With Search Engines
kimberly killmer hollister;nicole b.koppel; shen er
System Science and Post-modernism
ye cheng lin
A view of the relation between Instructional Design and Theory of Instruction
fan wen qiang ; lei qing
The Study on the Potential Effects of Educational Technology
shen xiao zuo
Designing Principles of WWW-based Self-determination Learning Environment
zhu zu lin ; liu sheng feng ; qian li san