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Operations Research Transactions
2001 Issue 1
The Girth of the Maximum Matching Graph
liu yan ; lin zuo xun ; huang yu qin ; wang shi ying
Conjugate Direction Method for LS Estimator and Its Error Analysis
gao lv duan ; chen zhi
On the Spectral Radius of Graphs without K4-minors
shi jin song ; hong yuan
Restricted Edge Connectivity of Minimal Cayley Graphs
meng ji xiang
Exact Penalty Function and Minimax Problem
zhang lian sheng ; bai yan qin
A Self-adaptive Trust Region Method for Unconstrained Optimization
zhang xiang zuo ; zhang ju liang ; chen zhong wen
The Steady Theory for GI/M/c Queue with Synchronous Vacations (Chinese)
tian nai shuo ; zhang zhong jun
The Improvement of BP Algorithm and Self-Adjustment of Structural Parameters (Chinese)
liu guang zhong ; li xiao feng