An in vivo Transient Expression System Can Be Applied for Rapid and Effective Selection of Artificial MicroRNA Constructs for Plant Stable Genetic Transformation
Basdeo Bhagwat~a;Ming Chi~;Li Su~;Haifeng Tang~;Guiliang Tang~;Yu Xiang~ a Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada;Pacific Agri-Food Research Center;Summerland;British Columbia VOH IZO;Canada b College of Forestry;Northwest A & F University;Yangling 712100;China c College of Horticulture;Northwest A & F University;Yangling 712100;China d Key Laboratory of Physiology;Ecology;and Genetic Improvement of Food Crop in Henan Province;College of Agriculture;Henan Agricultural University;Zhengzhou 450002;China e Department of Plant and Soil Sciences and KTRDC;University of Kentucky;Lexington;KY 40546;USA f Department of Biological Sciences;Michigan Technological University;Houghton;MI 49931;USA
Regulation of Flowering Time by MicroRNAs
Chuan-Miao Zhou;Jia-Wei Wang National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics;Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology;Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences;Shanghai 200032;China
Plant MicroRNAs and Development
Gang Wu~ a The Key Laboratory for Quality Improvement of Agricultural Products of Zhejiang Province;School of Agriculture and Food Sciences;Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University;Hangzhou 311300;China b The State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 311058;China
Centromere Epigenetics in Plants
James A.Birchler~;Fangpu Han~b a Division of Biological Science;University of Missouri-Columbia;311 Tucker Hall;Columbia MO 65211-7400;USA b State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering;Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100101;China
The Polycomb Complex PRC1:Composition and Function in Plants
Anne Molitor;Wen-Hui Shen Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes du CNRS;Université de Strasbourg;12 rue du Général Zimmer;67084 Strasbourg;France Institut J.-P.Bourgin;UMR1318 INRA-AgroParisTech;INRA;route de Saint Cyr;78026 Versailles;France.
Epigenetic Variations in Plant Hybrids and Their Potential Roles in Heterosis
Guangming He~a;Hang He~a;Xing Wang Deng~ a Peking-Yale Joint Center for Plant Molecular Genetics and Agro-biotechnology;State Key Laboratory of Protein and Plant Gene Research;School of Life Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China b Department of Molecular;Cellular;and Developmental Biology;Yale University;New Haven;CT 06520;USA