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Journal of Yanbian University(Social Science Edition)
2009 Issue 3
Two Doubts on Vajrasamadhi-Sutra
AO Ying
Confucian Thoughts on Value during Pre-Qin Period
FANG Hao-fan
Logical Foundation of Innovative Thinking
WANG Bao-guo
Present Situation of Jilin-North Korean Trade
LIN Jin-shu;JIN Mei-hua
King Kojong's Diplomacy toward America in 1905
Comment on the Charity Relief(Yi Zhen)in the Late Qing Dynasty
HE Yong-tian;SHI Ying
Exploration of Ways to Narrow Income Gap
JIN Feng-hua
Game Theory in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
WU Dao-xia;LI Ming-fang
To Construct a Property Management Model with Regional Features in Yanji
LI Chang-nan;JIN Lan
Tourism Marketing Mix:Its Essential Factors and Strategies
QIN Si-bao;WU Shi-nan