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Journal of Yan'an University(Social Science Edition)
2007 Issue 2
yan an da xue xue ren jian jie
shu xun
Humanism and Functionalism in Sociological View
SI Han-wu;ZHAO Jing-wei
Information Asymmetry and the Governmental Ineffectivity
XIAO Fang-ren
The Project Cost Control Research of Construction Enterprise
FU Cheng-tao;AN Yong-fang
Factors of Vegetation Change in Beiluo River Valley
XU Wen-mei;LIAN Zhen-min
Humanity Independence Trend in Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States
FENG Xue-jun;GAO Jin-hua
The Reasons for Kuomintang Political Tutelage's Defeat
LI Mo-hai
Ding Ling and Yanan Literature and Art
LIU Xiao-fei
Appeal and Demand of Science to Metaphor
ZHAO Wei-sen
Pragmatic Equivalence in Fictional Translation
Contrast between English and Chinese Sentence Structures and Their Translations
LI Yan;ZHENG Jiang-lian
On the Priority Principles of School Psychological Health Education
MAO Hai-dong;YANG Man-li
Xu Teli's View on Teachers
XUE Xiao-xu
On Yanan's Tourism from the Marketing Angle
LIU Xiao-hua
Target Selection and Prospect Forecast of Healthy-rapid Development of Chinese Economical Society
XIAO Yuan-zhen;HU Liang;ZHENG Yi-ting