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Rural Economy
2001 Issue 10
Agricultural Development Does Depend on Science and Education
yuan zong liang
xi wang zhi lu -- fu nan zuo tai xing
Market is A Reliable Field for Economic Development
wang you zhou
lian zheng jian she yu dan wei nei bu kong zhi
niu xiao feng
Some Viewpoints about Economic Democracy of Enterprises
zhong juan
Approach to Some Problems about Reforming Taxes and Charge in Countryside
ma dong mei ; liang yong
Motive Power to Promote Small Town's Construction in Rural Areas
li zhen zhong
Approach to A New Type of Management Organization for Farmers' Families in New Period
chen shi xiong ; zeng ling xiang
Studies on Present Situation and Model of Agricultural Socialization Service System
zheng wen jun ; zhang xiu kuan ; liu yuan bao
shi jie liang shi jia gong ye fa zhan qu shi
liu zhan