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Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2011 Issue 4
shi ji sun wu shi ji kao bian
zeng zhi xiong
Mirror Images in Between the Acts
duan yan li
On Liu Guan, the Famous Writer in the Moddle of Yuan Dynasty
zhang wen zuo
On the Functional Characters in Peach Blossom Fan
zhang hong xia
shi ji suo zhuan sun wu zhi chuan de li shi jia zhi
yang yan qi
On the Song-Gaoli Governmental-attached Trade
lu min
cong xin xi chu li kan han yu fu ju fen lei yan jiu
wu feng wen
shi zuo
cai ying jie
On LIANG Qi-chao's Civic Ideology
li xi ying ; tian chao
lun da xue sheng he xin jing zheng li
ding feng
Jin Huiming' s Study of Socialism from the Philosophic Perspective
guo da jun ; liu yu
lun gao xiao fu dao yuan de jiao se chong tu
li lei ; liu wei
shi ji yu sun zi bing fa
wang li qun
tou gao xu zhi