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Information and Control
1995 Issue 2
lian xu jiao ban fu shi sheng hua fan ying qi de fei mo xing kong zhi ce lue
HUZexin(East China University of Science and Technology;Shanghai)Abetract A new model-free control (MFC ) is proposed for the single-input and multi-output system. MFC consists of linear control strategy and nonlinear control strategy with control v
shen jing yu ce he mo hu tui li zai cui hua zhong zheng you hua kong zhi zhong de ying yong
LUJin;XU Wenli;HAN Zengin(Department of Automation tsinghua University;Beijing;100084、China)Abetract Some process plants are complex and nonlinear,whose control depends on man’s Intelligentexperience. And this control can hardly be performed by tr
dian hu lu ye lian guo cheng ji san kong zhi xi tong de yan zhi
GAO Wenzhong;GUShusheng;CHEN Xiaojun(Dept of automatic Control;Northeastern Univ;Shenyang)
yi zhong quan ju wen ding de zhi jie yu ce zi shi ying kong zhi qi
MAO Zhizhong(Dept of Automatic Control;Northeast University;Shenyang)Abetract In this paper,a predictive control algorithm based on multistep receding horizon scheme is proposed.Under the assumption that the first L coefficients of a process impu
yi lei bing xing hu chi zhi zao xi tong de si suo bi mian kong zhi
YUAN Zhonghu;XU Xinhe(Department of Automatic Control.Northeastern University)
shi xu tui li de xian zhuang
OI jigUang;WANG ZhengfaNg;ZHENG Shiyu;XIAO Xiangdong(Shenyang Institute of Automation;Chinese Acadcmy of Sciences)
shui ni pei liao guo cheng jian mo yu zi xiao zheng kong zhi
ZHANGChenghui;ZENGYi;LIXilin(Department of Autonation Engincering Shandong Polytechnic University Jinan;Shandong Province)
dian jia re fan ying qi wen du de duo bian liang guang yi kai huan jie zuo kong zhi
LI Ping;WANG Shuqing;WANG Jicheng(Institute of Industrial Process Control;Zhejiang University;Hang zhou)ZHUANG Xingjia(Research Centre of Automatic Control. FushanPetroleum Institute;Fushun)
ji yu shen jing wang luo de jian chuan lei da mu biao shi bie
HUANG Guojian;WANG Jianhua;LU Guoqiang(Department of Automation;East China Shipbuilding Ins)
xiang si zu he fei xian xing xi tong de shu chu gen zong
JIANG Bin;LIU Xiaoping;ZHANG Siying(Department of Autowatic Control,Northeastern University;Shenyang)