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Academic Degrees & Graduate Education
2007 Issue 7
xin xi chuang
The Characteristics of the Professional Degree Education of Medicine in Russia
ha mu la ti wu fu er ; tian qiang ; li yu kai ; zhu hui quan ; yuan zhong sheng ; cao de pin ; zuo li qing
Comparison of Postgraduates' Cultivating Mechanism between China and America
song dong xia ; liu li xin
The Status Quo and Prospect of America Graduate Education
WANG Xiaoyang
How Military Universities Improve Graduate Education Quality
ZHAO Weichang;LU Haixing
The Survey of Online Assessment System for Graduate Courses
huai li ; lu zuo song ; wu bin ; li fang shuo
On the Distance Education between China,Japan and Korea
ZHANG Xiansheng
Analysis of the Current Situation of Marketing Course in China
guo guo qing ; he xiu chao ; meng jie
Study of the Evaluation System for Postgraduate Admission
HOU Jun;CHEN Anmin
Framework of Index System for Graduate Educational Quality Evaluation.
SHENG Mingke;TANG Jianyun
The Dilemmas of University Ranking.
fei li pu g a te ba he ; zhang dong hui
An Overview of Top U.S. Universities
ZHU Yazong