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Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology
2006 Issue 1
Properties and Applications of Cellulose Ethers
ZHANG Guang-hua;ZHU Jun-feng;XU Xiao-feng
Structure, Function and Higher Value Application of Lignin
QIU Wei-hua;CHEN Hong-zhang
Application of Cellulase and Hemicellulase and Their Relativity in Molecular Structure
ZHANG Xiao-yong;GAO Xiang-yang;CHEN Xiu-xia;XU Feng-cai
Preparation of Antibiosis Material Polymerized from Cellulose and Chitosan
HE Lian-ping;HU Kai-tang
Studies on Mutagenesis of Thermomonospora fusca with 60Co-γ-Rays
MAO Xiang-bing;XIAO Bing-nan;LIU Yi;XU Xia;YANG Ai-zhi;ZHOU Wang-ping
Study on the Extraction Method of PCR Template for Trichoderma viride
CHEN Shi-hua;LIU Chang-xiong;WU Xing-quan
Influence of Sulfonation on Surface Free Energy and Acid-Base Properties of Lignin
ZHU Ying-zhi;ZHONG Lei;XU Yuan;SHEN Qing
Selective Bromination with Copper(Ⅱ) Bromide on Acetovanillone
GAN Ding-neng;ZHOU Yan;XIE Yi-min;SHUAI Xing-hua;WANG Peng
Graft Copolymerization of High Boiling Solvents Lignin and Acrylamide
CHEN Yao-ting;CHENG Xian-su