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Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
2001 Issue 2
Deterministic Pattern Classifier Based on Genetic Programming
LI Jian-wu;Li Min-qiang;KOU Ji-song
Semigroup Method for a Mathematical Model in Reliability Analysis
Geni Gupur;LI Xue-zhi
Fast and Robust Control of Excitation Systems:A Finite-time Method
WANG Yu-zhen;CHENG Dai-zhan;HONG Yi-guang;QIN Hua-shu
The Interaction Programming Problem
LI Rong-sheng;CHENG Ying
Research on Fuzzy Information Retrieval
YAO Min;HUANG Yan-jun
A Parallel Algorithm for Solving Block-diagonal Structured Large Linear System
SHEN Jie;ZHANG Zhong-lin;CHENG Ji-lin
A Pragmatic Approach to Product Costing Based on Standard Time Estimation
JIAO Yuan-yuan;HAN Wen-xiu;DU Jun
Dissipative Control of the State Delayed Systems
FU Yu-sun;TIAN Zuo-hua;SHI Song-jiao
Design Theory of Intellectualized Computer Aided Instruction and Its Applications
CUI Hong-bin;WANG Ai-min;YU Dong-mei
Empirical Study of the Risks in Shenzhen Stock Market
ZUO Xiao-de;GAO Wei-cun
A Model for Contract Bid Markup Strategies
LI Yong-ping;Chen Rong-qiu;ZHOU Shao-fu
Study of Combination Forecasting in Airline Traffic Turnover
LIU Jun;QIU Wan-hua;WEI Cun-ping
Grey System Forecast for Firing Accuracy of Gun
CHENG Qi-yue;QIU Wan-hua
On the Star Chromatic Number of Graph Products
XU Chuan-liang;WANG Yi-Ju