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Journal of Xiangtan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 2
On Credit Government Establishment in New Times
feng yin geng
Analysis on the Concept of Eminant Domain
tu si yi
On Legal Protection of the Copyright of the Works on Net
huang shun nian
On Effect of Constitution
ou ai min
Mao Zedong's View on Material Gains and Its New Development
wang guang lin
On the Ecologic Ideology of Li Culture of Confucian
zhao zai guang
Mania:An Inquest on Being--On the philoSophic Implication of Jiang Weizu
hu hui jie ; huang xiao hua
Why It Exceeding Sentimental So
li ming
Pushkin and Benjamin Constant
shen yun xia
Conflict Management of the Top Management Team in the Strategic Decision
ou yang hui ; li shu zuo ; chen jia
From Data Analysis to Data Management
huang xiang yang
On Property and its Enlightenments for Stated-owned Enterprises' Reforms
zhu guo qing ; wan wei wu
Depreciation of US Dollar and Stability of RMB Exchange Rate
liao xiao yan
Adjusting Rural Economic Policies according to Farmers' Demands
hu ying lan
Remolding City Image in Common but Difference
zhang jin jun
Seeking Leap Development of Universities through Innovation Thoughts
yi da dong ; qi shao ping ; li tao
On Developing and Cultivating College students' Ethos
wang li hua
Coherent State Patterns in Contextual Coupling
zhu fang cheng
New Achievements of Hard Research--Review on Hard Research
cang nan ; wang hua sheng