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Journal of SWUPL
2006 Issue 2
Carrying a Greater Family Law Teaching Reform: Centering on Laying Up Students' Competence
CHEN Wei;ZHANG Hua-gui;CAO Xian-yu
A Cognitive Analysis of Nominalization
XIE Jin-rong
Journalism Education in Chongqing during the Anti-Japanese War
ZHAO Zhong-jie;Cai Fei
A Study on the Death Penalty for Drug Crimes
CHEN Shi-wei
The study of benefit in criminal presumption
LI Fu-Cheng
Notice Obligation in Criminal Proceedings Proceedings
MAO Jian-ping;ZENG Jun;DUAN Ming-xue
Doctrine of Command Criminal Responsibility
LU You-xue
On Emotional Factors in Criminal Law
The Nature of International Commercial Arbitration Right/Power
ZHANG Chun-liang
Who Shall Exercise Legal Control Over Administrative Power
LUO Xiao-chun
On Habermas' Constitutional Patriotism
LU Xing-fu