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Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 2
ren wu jie shao
Effects of PEG simulated drought stress on seed germination of six oat cultivars
BAI Xiao-ling;,ZHOU Qing-ping;,CHEN Shi-yong;,CHEN You-jun;,TIAN Li-hua;,XIAO Xue-jun;
Cloning and expression levels of gonadotropin genes and receptor genes in polytocous and monotocous goat breeds
hu liang ;, zi xiang dong ;, lu jian yuan ;, ma li ;, xiong xian rong ;, wang yong ;, ren cheng luo er ri ;, ren tao ;
Expression of tandem repeats of porcine epidermal growth factor in Escherichia coli
HE Chao;,DENG Lu;,TANG Cheng;,YUE Hua;
Rapid method with microwave oven heating for bacterial DNA extraction applied to PCR amplification
WANG Qiong;,TANG Jun-ni;,TANG Cheng;,CHEN Juan;,LIU Ji;,CHEN Lian-hong;
Histopathologic study on psoriasis-like skin inflammation
TANG Dong-mei;,ZHOU Biao;,FU Li-xin;,GUO Zheng-hong;,YAN Heng-xiu;
Application of probiotics in pigs
ZHANG Zheng-fan;,GUO Chun-hua;,PENG Zhong-li;,BAI Xue;
Isolation of a red pigment-producing strain from freshwater and analysis of its pigment
YU Li-hua;,YUAN Lu-yi;,WANG Xiao-ling;,XIONG Fang-jie;
Synthesis and antibacterial activities of novel quaternary ammonium gemini salts composites
YAO Yong-chao;,GUAN Ya-yuan;,LIU Chang;,JIANG Yu-cheng;,LUO Jian-bin;
Molding process and improving quality standard investigation of Qinhuashangqing tablets
XIA Cheng-kai;,LI Jing;,LIU Chao-xiang;,LIU Yao-wu;
Protective effect of total lignans from Tibetan medicinal Herpetospermum seeds on experimental liver injury by CCl4
ZHAO Xing-ran;,ZHANG Lei;,LI Jia-chuan;,GU Jian;
Preparation and swelling properties of PVA/CS interpenetrating network hydrogels
SU Xiao-di;,DING Ke-yi;,LIU Jun;
Wide spectrum properties of ZrO2 films with ellipsometry
TANG Fan-bin;,XIAO Jun;,MA Zi;
Dynamic analysis and control of a novel hyperchaotic system
SUN Fang-fang;,LEI Yin-bin;,ZHU Pei-yong;
Relationship between two projection matrices
ZHOU Yu-xing;,HUANG Zong-wen;
b-L-weakly compact operators on Banach lattices
LI Hui;,CHEN Zi-li;,CHEN Jin-xi;
Program complication and application of the calculation of hydro-power plant in annual regulation based on Excel VBA
ZHENG Zhou;,CHEN Xin;,YANG Xiao-long;,LI Quan-liao;
Empirical analysis of gold price based on ARIMA model
LU Si-yao;,XU Mei-ping;