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Journal of Southwest Forestry College
2006 Issue 3
Establishment of Scion-producing Nursery for Plus Trees of Carya cathayensi and Analysis on the Growth Indices
WANG Zheng-jia;HUANG You-jun;LUO Xiu-qiang;HUANG Jian-qin
Study on Soil Fertility Decline of Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis
XU Hui;LIU Xiao-ju;CHENG Hong-wen
Ecological Investigation of the Invasive Specie Rumex nepalensis in Alpine Rangeland in NW Yunnan Province
SHEN Shi-cai;Andrew WILLSON;David MELICK
Study on Taxonomy of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Orchid Mycorrhizae in Yunnan Province
WU Jian-rong;HAN Su-fen;ZHU You-yong;LV Mei;WANG Guang-ping;GUO Wen-lin
Extraction of the Antifungal Component from Corms of Gladiolus gandavensis
LIU Xiao-zhu;LUO Heng;YUAN Chuan;GONG Xiu-hui
The Germplasm Resource of Plant Species in Seriphidium Genus and Their Utilization
SUN Hui-zhong;HE Xue-li;NIU Zhong-lei;SONG Yue-qin
Application of Amending the Joints' Equivalent Parameters for Structure Dynamical Analysis
NAN Jiang;YANG Can-yu;ZHOU Xin-min
Precision Analysis on Area Measurement by Handy GPS
XIA You-fu
Selection of Fire Resistant Tree Species for the Middle-high Altitude Areas in Northeastern Part of Yunnan Province
LI Shi-you;WANG Qiu-hua;ZHANG Shang-shu;LI Pei-yong;TENG Yun-gui;GAO Feng
Report on the Vector Insects of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus(Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae)
ZHAO Yu-xiang;XU Zheng-hui;YU Sheng-fu;HE Chuan-jie;DONG Yan
A Study on Tissue Culture of Eucalytus urophylla×E.camalduiensis
CHEN Jian-yong;SONG Jian-ying;LIN Wei;SU Xiao-tong;WANG Bao-qin;HUANG Xin-tang
Seedling Experiments on Three Broadleaved Tree Species in Dry-hot Valley of the Jinshajiang River
ZHAO Pei-xian;ZHAO Yue-xian;ZHAO He-qiong;KUAI Liang