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Journal of Xiamen University(Arts & Social Sciences)
2009 Issue 3
Analyzing and Forecasting China's 2009 2010 Macroeconomic Development
The Research Team of "China's Quarterly Macroecono
A Study of Problems with Accounting Measurement Based on Fair Value
GE Jia-shu;DOU Jia-chun
Estimating the Minimum Lower Partial Moment Hedging Ratio by the Mixed Copula Method
CHEN Rong;CAI Zong-wu;CHEN Miao-qiong
The May Fourth Literature and Existentialism
YANG Jing-jian
On Lyric and Free Verse in Modern Western Poetry Theories
ZHAO Zhi-fang
The Evolution of the Concepts of French Literary Criticism
WENG Bing-ying;FENG Shou-nong
Narrative: the Integration Tactic of Anthropology and History
ZHENG Xiang-chun