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Psychological Science
2014 Issue 5
50 Key Issues for Psychological Sciences
Eye-movement Changes in Visual Imagery: Different Knowledge or Skills?
He Liguo;Guo Tianyou;Chen Yuming;Bao Xuhui;You Xuqun;School of Psychology;Shaanxi Normal University;Department of Psychology;Shenzhen University;
Effects of Encoding Task on Source Memory:An ERP Study
Liang Jiuqing;Han Haochuan;Wang Jianping;College of Preschool Education;Capital Normal University;Beijing Key Laboratory of "Learning & Cognition";Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;
Biological Motion and Its Application in the Study of Social Cognitive Impairments
Wang Zengjian;Zhang Delong;He Fangfang;Liang Bishan;Huang Ruiwang;Liu Ming;Center for the Study of Applied Psychology;Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science of Guangdong Province;School of Psychology;South China Normal University;Department of Radiology;Guangdong Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
The Precondition and Mechanism of Anchoring Effect
Tang Weihai;Xu Xiaohui;Wang Min;Feng Hong;Liu Xiping;Education and Scientifi c School;Tianjin Normal University;Key Laboratory of Behavior Science;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Perception of Vocal Emotion in Chinese and Polish Undergraduates
Wang Yifang;Bai Yu;Su Yanjie;Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition;Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning;Beijing Normal University;Department of Psychology;Peking University;
Strategies in Past Temporal Discounting
He Jiamei;Luo Yangmei;Huang Xiting;School of Psychology;Liaoning Normal University;School of Psychology;Southwest University;
Neural Correlates of the Interference Effect of a Type of Mixed Prospective Memory
Chen Youzhen;Meng Yingfang;Yuan Hong;Yang Lixian;Department of Psychology;Fujian Normal University;Ministry of Psychology;Southwest University;
The Self-reference Effect in False Memory: A Robust Facilitation of Self
Zhou Chu;Wang Jianqin;Zhou Wenjia;Department of Psychology;Fudan University;
Automatic Processing of Large Number: Based on Stroop Effect and SNARC Effect
Hu Lincheng;Xiong Zhehong;School of Education and Psychology Science;Taizhou University;School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;
The Effect of Emotions Associated with Certainty(happiness, anger) and Uncertainty(sadness) on Trust
Ding Ruyi;Wang Feixue;Niu Duan;Li Bingjie;The party school of municipal Party committee of Foshan;Department of Psychology;Sun Yat-sen University;Education School of Sun Yat-sen University;The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;
The Early Processing Mechanism of Double Negative Sentences Imperative and Rhetorical Question
Zhao Xueru;Zhou Miao;Lai Siyan;Yang Hui;Chen Kaixi;He Xianyou;School of Psychology;South China Normal University;Mental Health Education Center;Tsinghua Experimental School in Shenzhen;
Is Consciousness a Necessary Condition of Episodic Memory?
Li Guangzheng;Wang Lijuan;Psychology Department;JilinUniversity;
The Neural Representation of Parents in the Self-Concept
Zheng Yingcan;Hu Yuanyan;Chen Hong;Department of Psychology;Southwest University;Laboratory of Cognition and Mental Health;Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences;
Efects of Maternal Depression on Infants’ Internalizing Behavior Problems: A Moderated Mediation Model
Zong Lijuan;Liu Junsheng;Li Dan;Chen Xinyin;Department of Psychology;Shanghai Normal University;Graduate School of Education;University of Pennsylvalia;
The Characteristics of Family Innovation Environment and Their Effects on Everyday Creative Behavior: The Mediating Role of Personality
Tang Guangrong;Zou Hong;Hou Ke;Cai Di;Zhang Wenjuan;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Journal of Beijing Normal University;Beijing Normal University;Department of Psychology;Wuhan University;
From One-heart to Half-hearted: The Media Multitasking Behaviors of Teenagers
Liu Chen;Kong Fanchang;Zhou Zongkui;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;
Effects of Item Strength and Test Order on Retrieval-Induced Forgetting
Bai Xuejun;Liu Xu;Academy of Psychology and Behavior;Tianjin Normal University;School of Education;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Social Support and Deliberate Rumination Mediate the Relationship between Gratitude and Post-traumatic Growth among Adolescents of Wenchuan Earthquake
Wu Xinchun;Zhou Xiao;Liu Linlin;Chen Jieling;School of Psychology;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Students Affaris Department;Chongqing Humanities;Science and Technology;
The Development of Junior High School Students’ Guilt and the Infl uence of Guilt on Their Fair Behavior
Ding Fang;Zhou Jun;Hu Yu;Department of Psychology;School of Education;Soochow University;
The Development of Self-Regulated Learning of Junior School Students
Fang Ping;Jiang Yuan;Ma Ying;Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;Division of Sport Psychology;Beijing Sport University;Beijing Institute of Education;
The Transition of Aggressive Patterns among Youth: An Application of Latent Transition Analysis
Wu Peng;Liu Huashan;Chen Jingjun;Xie Jihong;Faculty of Education;Hubei University;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;
The Infl uences of Class Atmosphere and Class-teachers’ Affective Quality in Primary and Middle Schools on Students’ Affective Quality: Based on Multi-level Analysis
Lu Jiamei;Wang Junshan;Liu Wei;Educational College;Shanghai Normal University;Jing’An Educational College;
The Research Situation and Development Tendency of School Bonding
Yin Haowen;Jia Linxiang;Institute of Education;Jiangsu Normal University;
Habitual Response in the Allocation of Study Time under Different Learning Goals
Xie Ruibo;Huang Jie;Chen Haide;Li Weijian;Institute of Psychology;Zhejiang Normal University;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Implicit Strategy Generates from Practice: Its Genetic Process and Application
Shu Deming;Liu Dianzhi;Soochow University;School of Education;Key Research Institute of Education Ministry-Center for Chinese Urbanization Studies;Soochow University;
Emotional Competence: A New Research Perspective of Teachers’ Emotion
Wu Yingying;Lian Rong;College of Education;Fujian Normal University;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Internalized Homophobia and Subjective Well-being among Young Gay Men: The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and Loneliness
Li Fang;Zheng Xue;Mai Xiaohao;Wu Junfang;Wang Yibo;School of psychology;Center for Studies of Psychological Application;South China Normal University;
Social Class and Prosocial Behavior: The Moderating Effects of Return Prediction
Lu Xuezhang;Guo Yongyu;Li Jing;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;and Hubei Human Development and Mental Health Key Laboratory;
The Effect of Social Support and Personality on the Relaitionship between Chinese Migrant Workers’ Income and Their Subjective Well-being
Wang Yulong;Peng Yunshi;Yao Wenjia;School of Education Science;Hunan University;
Man Proposes, God Disposes: Acculturation Strategies and the Effect of Belief in Negotiable Fate among Chinese New Generation of Migrant Workers
Wang Fang;Li Zhirong;School of Psychology;Beijing Normal University;Beijing Key Lab of Applied and Experimental Psychology;
Employees’ Core Self-evaluation and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support
Sun Lan;Meng Hui;Zhong Weiji;School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;
The Affect Heuristic in Judgment and Decision Making
Li Haijun;Xu Fuming;Wang Wei;Xiang Peng;Luo Hanbing;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Human Development and Mental Health of Hubei Province;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;
The Impact of the Wording Effect on Reliability and Criterion Validity of Self-report Questionnaires——The Case of the Core Self-evaluation Scale
Gu Honglei;Wen Zhonglin;Center for Studies of Psychological Application / School of Psychology;South China Normal University;
The Case’s Change Process in Counseling: From the Perspective of Assimilation Model
Lu Yanhua;Jiang Guangrong;Zhu Wenzhen;Lu Ting;Zhu Xu;Sun Qiwu;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Human Development and Mental Health of Hubei Province;
Testing the Rice Theory
Zhu Ying;Depourtment of Psychology;Peking University;
Theoretical Development of the Underlying Mechanism of Prosocial Behavior
Xiao Fengqiu;Zheng Zhiwei;Chen Yinghe;Institute of developmental psychology;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Development and Prospect of Researches on Infl uencing Factors and Mechanism of Game Decision-Making
Chen Jing;Jiang Jindong;Huangfu Huayan;Li Hong;School of Education Science;Research Center of Psychological Development and Application;Sichuan Normal University;Chengdu Normal College;Sichuan Research Center of Applied Psychology;Chengdu Medical College;Research Center of Psychological Development and Education;Liaoning Normal University;