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Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy,Humanities&Social Science)
2015 Issue 1
The Demand Forecast and the Effect of Setting up Public Welfare Post -Urumqi as an Example
ZHOU Yong-hua;,SU Yong-jie;,LIU Yan;
On the Evolution of CPC’s Thought on Morality Education
YOU Yu-jun;
On the Crew’s Criminal Responsibility in the Maritime Pollution Incidents
XIA Hong-qiang;,LV Rui;
Turpan Tusalaqˇci in the late Qing Dynasty
WANG Qim-ing;
Cave 114 in Kizil and Fotu Shemi
MAN Ying-ying;
The Inheritance and Changes of the Kazak Food Culture in Xinjiang
ZHU Yuan-lai;,CAO Sheng-long;
The “Trilingual Policy” in Kazakhstan
TIAN Cheng-peng;,Hailiguli Niyazi;
An Analysis of Afghanistan Presidential Election in 2014
LI Shi-jun;,HAN jun;
American Strategy of ’New Silk Road’
An Analysis of the Characteristics and Trend in the Present Central Asian Security
JIA Guo-dong;,ZHANG Wei-wei;,FANG Zhi-tao;
“The Unknown Energy” in Critical Discourse
WANG Bing-bing;
On Lu Shuyuan’s Literary Cross-Border Research
LI Jin-lai;
A Feminist Analysis of the Image of Shoe In Eileen Chang’s Novels
XU Lin-zhou;,CHEN Xiao-ming;
The Phonology and the Evolution of Qitai Speech
Language Use by Uyghur Residents in Urbanization
Rezwan Awamuslin;
The Acquisition of English Relative Clause by Uyghur College Students
WEI Ya-li;,PENG Jin-ding;