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Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy,Humanities&Social Science)
2001 Issue 1
The Word-meaning Relation in Kazak Language
huang zhong xiang
Research in Numerals of Secular Documents in Uigurs Language in Turpan
a bu li ke mu ya sen ; wang zheng liang
Pilot Study of Changes in Shu Ting's Poetic Style
zhang hua
Literary Periodicals as a Literary Battle Field
chen ding jia
Aesthetic Outlook and Artistic Autonomy
yu hong
Study of Blasakin-- the Ancient Capital of the Karakhanid Dynasty
you nu si jiang ai li
Xinjiang's Historical Events Listed in Turkic Dictionary
xue zong zheng
On the Rationalism of Science
xie jing
Economic Man, Agent and Managerial Incentive Mechanism
meng da hu